Chapter 10

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In your room

Jin insert the iv inside your hand and gave you some medicine. While jungkook was standing there.

Jungkook : hyung so are you going to tell her brothers about her?

Jin : may be for last time they can see her after that she's not gonna live with them nor gonna have any relationship with them

Jungkook : but hyung they raised her

Jin : but at what cost, you know very well it was my obligations that I couldn't stay with her and take care of my own sister but now I don't have any and I'm capable of taking care of her providing her everything she wants but most important love

Jungkook : but hyung will they agree because they are still her legal guardian and they have her custody it would be hard to get y/n's custody

Jin : no matter what I don't care as now her real brother is here they have to give her up no matter what, and they didn't even treat y/n like their own sister, I know that y/n and Emily they both look alike but they aren't twins

Jungkook : what they aren't twins but how (confused)

Jin : my parents and jimin, taehyung and Emily's parents were cousins and we had y/n and Emily on the same day but due to dad's mafia work and enemies we had to move to Italy but on the way going there dad's enemies attacked on us we had to move to a safe place so dad called uncle and aunt and dad gave y/n to them and told them to take care of her once we are safe he'll take her back but unfortunately our parents died . Few years passed by me and y/n were living with uncle and aunt but unfortunately dad enemies got to know that me and y/n live with our uncle and aunt so they attacked us but they already gave y/n to jimin and taehyung and while running in woods with uncle and aunt i got caught and uncle and aunt  died and I was left with nothing they took me with them . And rest you know

Jungkook : I feel pity for you hyung

Jin : it's pretty late you should go now you also ha e to take care of arena

Jungkook : ya hyung I'll go take care of yourself bye.

Jin : you too bye.

At jimin's house

In meeting room

Taehyung : does that mean we could never meet y/n again?

Jimin : no that's never gonna happen we are her brothers nobody can ever take her

Taehyung : but Hyung we aren't able to find her it's been weeks since she's lost I don't know but I don't have a good feel about this

Jimin : don't worry tae our man founded her last location and it was near a abandoned house near the country side after that we'll definitely know where she's been

Taehyung : wish we could find her soon and she's okay and alive

Jimin : i know she's gonna be okay

Little did they know that Emily was hearing their conversation from the door and was peeking into the room she's mad at y/n because now her brothers don't give her attention as they use to give because they are busy finding you .

Emily : I swear to God I hate y/n so much , because for her they don't talk to me like they use to do ,they have been ignoring me not even bothered to ask if I'm ok or not .

At night in dinning Hall

Three siblings were having their dinner but it was different because they don't talk how they used to do before Emily would tell about her day jimin and taehyung would praise her for her achievements but now Emily feels like she's in your shoes.

Emily : oppas how was your day today? (Joyful)

Jimin : just as other days nothing special ( cold)

Emily : you know I baked cookies for us oppa actually I wanted to bake with you both together but as you guys were busy  I thought of Baking myself

Taehyung : really are you mad Emily do you know that you could have burn your hand while baking them ( little bit angry)

Emily : tae oppa chill don't need to get angry maids were there to help me but can you pls try and tell me how's it?

Jimin and taehyung took a little bit of bite of it while Emily was looking at them like a puppy .

Emily : how is it oppa?

Jimin : it's good not that bad

Taehyung : not bad but not good :)

Emily : I'll try to make better cookies next time.

Taehyung : a lot better and good night

Emily : where are you going tae oppa?

Taehyung : to my room I gotta some work

Emily :ohh is it, actually I wanted help in my school project (pout)

Taehyung : ask jimin Hyung or maids will help you I'm busy

Emily : fine

Taehyung left

Emily : jiminie oppa would you help me?

Jimin : sorry but I'm having an online meeting you can as maids to help you again I'm sorry

He also left from there not Emily was alone.

Emily also got up and went to taehyung's with her books and laptop to do her project.

She knocked on to his door and asked for his permission to get into the room .

Taehyung : come in

Emily : oppa can I sit and do my project her plsss don't say no I promise I won't disturb you I'll quietly do my work

Taehyung : okay fine but baby  don't make much noise I'm in meeting

After two hour Emily's was still doing her project but as she was tired she dose off on the bed while her laptop and phone was on.

After taehyung's meeting ends he get off the study table and look at Emily

Taehyung : aww my little baby she must be tired

He take away all her books and laptop and keeps it aside and pull up the blanket on her and sit by her side and patts her head

Taehyung : I'm sorry for ignoring you from past few weeks , I'm too busy with all the things after that incident me and hyung haven't spend mu time with you pls forgive me baby.

Hi munchkins hope y'all enjoy reading this chapter do let me know how was it, comment and vote .

Take care of yourselves, eat healthy, stay fit, study well I love all

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