The Unbreakable Love.

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•The Unbreakable Love•

"My love for you is eternal."

But I woke up. "I feel fuzzy." My head was aching, terribly. "Where am I?" I asked. Alone I was, Laying on a hospital bed. I regained my senses quickly I sat up.

"WHERE AM I!" I shout, in rage, I was confused. "Where is Anastasia?" A question I needed immediate answer. Footsteps come closer. The door opens slowly. People come in but no signs of her.

"Hi. I'm your doctor." The man Infront of me says. "Where is Anastasia?" "Why am I here." Quickly I asked the man questions Infront of me. "Now now." "Relax." The man says. "HOW CAN I RELAX WHEN I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM NOR WHERE SHE IS." I exclaimed, with a voice filled with rage, confusion.

A familiar man enters the room. "Doc. Is he finally awake?" The man asked. My vision still blurry, my head still dizzy. "Daniell." "It's me." The man says. A familiar voice. "I happened to drop by to deliver this." A box he was holding.

"I think it would be best for you to deliver the news." The doctor states. "I will leave you too to be." The doctor quickly leaves, the familiar man sits beside me. He places the box next to me "So." "How are you?" The man asked. "What the hell do you think?" "Where is SHE?" I asked the man. "Would you please calm down." He replies. "NOT UNTIL I FIND OUT WHAT'S HAPPENING." "WHE-" before I could finish, the man holds my hand. Tears flow down from his eyes. His face a blank expression.

"It's been 1825 days." The man states in a woeful tone. "W-what?" I reply in confusion "On the 18th night of November 2023." "An accident occured." "Leaving one dead, one in a coma." The man said. Tears rolled down his face. "Do you understand?" The man asked.

"What are you talking about?" "Are you.." enraged I grabbed the man by his collar. "ARE YOU F#CKING MESSING WITH ME?" I exclaimed. But my hands trembling. My chest felt heavy, tears started running down my face. My hand despite the grip. Fell. "This can't be real." "Please tell me." "This is just one bad dream." I couldn't help but cry as I spoke my words.

"I wish it was." "I have been in denial for 5 years." The man states. "She was like my sister." The man says smiling. Slowly. I regained my memory. "Jasper?" I asked. "That's nice that you remember me." Jasper replies.

"Stop whining." "She'll kill you if she sees you crying like that." Jasper says with a smile. He stood up, and left the room.

I was left with a blank expression, my body trembling as my heart is shattered in pieces. Staring into the window in my room. The bright and blue sky. Oh yeah, her favorite color was blue. I opened the box the was placed next to me. It was a picture of her. As I gaze upon the clouds in the sky. I whispered.

"I hope you're dancing and partying wherever you are." "My love for you will forever be eternal." "I love you."

The End.

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