Meeting the happiness of his life

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  Aelius was on a party with his friends.So he didn't pay attention to the call from his parents.After the party,he and his friends were drunk and they drove the car all by themselves and they made an accident.

  Then everyone tried to escape from the spot.When Aelius was about to escape he heard a crying,"Please save our little son" and it stopped with a long sighing.Aelius went close to the car and he found a cute little boy with a smiling face lying in a infant car seat cum carry cot next to the lady with a worse injuries who seems to be his mother.

  Aelius tried to woke up the lady but it was all in vain...she's dead.So Aelius decided to take this cute little boy with him.when he reached home with the little boy he found out that his parents were taken as hostage and his assistant handovered a letter to him.

  In the letter it is clearly stated that his parents were in debt of to zheng group(the rival group).so the Zheng group taken away his parents as hostage.Aelius was the one who is responsible to repay the debt and only he could save his parents because he was the only heir of Qin group.And in the letter it is clearly stated that if it takes longer time then the Zheng group will completely take over the control of Qin group.

   Aelius was completely broken when he saw the arrangements made by his family to celeberate his birthday.He felt very sorry for his careless attitude.Since his childhood he just used to hang out with his friends and spent the shares of Qin group in a careless way.He became depressed and put the complete blame on himself for this miserable condition of Qin's.

  Then he remembered the child he left back in the car and at once he ran towards him.As soon as Aelius opened the door of the car he saw the smiling face of that little kid and at once his depressions vanished.

  Aelius took that little boy into the house of Qin's.He told the maids to take care of this little boy for him.when the maids asked the name of the little boy Aelius was in stuck for a moment and in order to escape he scolded the maids not to question him and he left the place.

  Then he thought how can we call this little boy.If I keep calling him as a little boy then I would be caught for sure.So I must think over a name for this cute little boy as soon as possible.when he was about to sleep the cute smiling face of that little boy came infront of his he rushed to see that boy. Aelius took the little boy in his hands and for a moment he lost in the cuteness of the child.He called that child as Yuki Qin.Next day he went to the company to take over his  position.

  As soon as he entered the Qin group everyone was shocked because Aelius has never shown up in the company before .He asked Harsh,the personal assistant of his father to come to his cabin.Harsh greeted Aelius,then Aelius opened up and started reciting the whole imcident that happened the day before and he seeked Harsh's help to sort out all these problems and he also requested him to check out the family backround of the little boy in person.Harsh agreed and informed that they have meeting in the week end and asked Aelius to prepare for it.

  In that meeting everyone must come up with a creative work.Aelius never attended a meeting before and he has no idea.So Aelius decided to discuss it with his staffs.They told that we don't have enough time to come up with a new invention but we do have sufficient time to improvise some work that already exists.Aelius accepted the fact and while he was thinking over it he suddenly remembered the accident and how the baby survived the accident.He thought that infant car seat cum carry cot must be the saviour of that little boy and it going to be his saviour too.

  He announced to his staff members that Qin group gonna make a saviour version of infant car seat cum carry cot.He briefly explained about it and he discussed his ideas with them and ordered to commence the work immediately.And finally the Qin group successfully made a saviour version of carry cot within a week.Now Qin group and Aelius was all set to present it in the meeting.

  Eventhough they're ready with the presentation,Aelius was worried about the next day.When he entered the house after a week spending day and night in the company he heard a warm sound of laughter.And at once Aelius mood became pleasant.He ran towards Yuki and grabbed him in his hands and hugged him and said , "You're the only happiness in my life at this moment." Then he took Yuki along with him to his bed and recited stories and made him to sleep. Aelius too started closing his eyes slowly gazing at  the cute little Yuki Qin.

The next morning Aelius attended the meeting along with Harsh. CEO's of all leading companys were in that place and everyone was shocked and surprised with the arrival of Aelius Qin because they all thought that the Qin group won't show up in the meet as they went bankrupt.The event was started and the CEO's of each group presented their works.And finally Aelius went to the stage and started his presentation.

His presentation was all about a infant car seat cum carry cot which will not only comfort a baby but also be the saviour at the critical moments like accident.He presented a saviour version of it with a pre-installed fire alarm and a rhyme player.And they made the saviour version with a high quality  metals which has the capacity of resisting fire.He presented a video which clearly demonstrated how it will work as a saviour and comforted the child in various critical moments.Everyone was impressed by his mindblowing presentation and finally Qin group received the bulk order and many groups came front to tie up with Qin group for this project.

  Aelius was on cloud nine and announced a party tonight.When Aelius was about to give a toast the accident came in front of his eyes and at once he asked the members to celeberate themselves and he left the place.He became relaxed after seeing the face of cute little Yuki.He shared the whole incident with Yuki and he kissed Yuki's forehead and told Yuki that , "you're the one behind this whole presentation and it's success.All because of you , one and only you!!You're really the 'Yuki' (happiness)of my life."

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