Chappie one

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I look out the window, headphones in, listening to hum hallelujah by fall out boy. As always, because it's a reflective surface, a face plays into view. To my surprise, it's still frank. "Hello, Gerard." He pleasantly murmurs. "How are you today?" He asks. Thank god I'm at home. "Tired of this shit." I groan. "Why do I have to put up with you guys? Why me?" Frank looks shocked.
"No one's told you?" He asks, looking appalled. "No...." I murmur. Frank's image starts to fade out of the window. "I'm not gonna get in shit with the others then." Then he's gone. "Wait!" I shout. "I need some fucking answers!!!!" But he doesn't come back. Why do these haunt me? Why me of all people? I run my hand through my hair and slam my head against the table in sitting at.
~ le time skip~
I'm on my way to the school when Frank shows up on my phone. I nearly drop it when I see him. "What do you want?" I hiss, holding my phone up to my face. At least I look like I'm on the phone with someone.
"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. You deserve answers. And I'm going to give you some." I grin. And then, as I approach school, the late bell rings. Fuck, just when I was about to get answers. Frank disappears. Oh well. He'll come back. Or at least I hope so.
A/N: bam okaii I have nothing to do and I don't know where this story is going *hides face in hands* oh well I love you guys for reading this cause it's complete crap 🌟🌟🌟🌟 bye my lovelies!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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