Mission: Love Trap

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"Very well." I said to my personal assistant who is none other than Nino as he gave me a schedule of Meltem's daily routine. Well it was a hard task to do because it's not easy to get her information easily but you are well aware that I am Emir Agrest the great.
I internally smirk.

Nino was looking at Emir all this time and was wondering what exactly is wrong with him.

"Time to escort the plan. So plan A will be I will go to one of her brand's showroom where she will be visiting today according to her schedule and I will try to talk to her and made her choose outfit for me then we will talk and-" Emir got interrupted By Nino.

"Bro what are you thinking she is not a employee there so she will choose your outfit. Are you dumb?" Nino said casually.

"Hey watch your mouth. How dare you? Btw you are not wrong tho... So what should we do?" Emir said thinking hard.

"So your Plan A failed even before implementing it wow very well SiR." Nino said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey I have other plan to this is Plan A 2.0, so it will be the same but a little changes, I will head inside then-" emir again got interrupted.

"Bro just do one thing talk to her dad invite her for the dinner and done. Stop this drama because it will not work out." Nino said.

"Hmm that's was Plan B but now as you said let's do this instead." Emir said.

"Who will believe that the ruthless mafia is doing this just Because he is in love." Nino Teases Emir.

"Hey I am not in-" " look Meltem she is Meltem." Emir said pointing towards the car that just arrived.

"I will go buy some time and you just talk to her dad and arrange a dinner date for us got it?" He said to Nino and went towards Meltem.

"Yeah like his father is dying to send her off to dinner with you. Asshole." Nino said mumbling.

"Hey Meltem Bourgeois." Emir wave his hand at Meltem.

"Umm Are you?" Meltem replied.

Emir got shocked like they met in the party yet she forgot him already that's the effect Emir had on her.

"We met the other day on your birthday did you remember me I am Emir Son of Je-" emir got interrupted.

"Oh sorry I just forgot. My bad." Meltem replied plainly.

"I see. Umm so by the way As I know that you are the owner of this brand so would you care to suggest me some... I mean some... How am I supposed to put this up.. um-" Emir got perplexed.

"You want me to suggest you some outfit or anything else?" Meltem asked.

"Yeah exactly, I mean if I am not rude for asking for this help?" Emir questioned.

"Hmm I haven't hired all these employees to relax, they will do this don't except this from me." Meltem said.

"Umm." Emir got shocked at Meltem's sudden change in tone.

He entered the showroom.

Meltem had already left from there to the CEO office and Emir stood dumbfounded in the Middle of the showroom like a lost child.

"Excuse me sir, how can I help you?" A female employee asked in a polite manner.

"Ha? Oh yeah I am looking for some umm tuxedo." Emir said.

"Ok sir let me assist you." Female employee said.

Emir is still shocked that how Meltem talked to him she even forgot who he was. Emir was in middle of his thoughts when the female employee said.

"Sir may I know your colour preference?"

"Black" emir replied.

"Ohky sir wait a bit."
"Here how about this one." She said.

"Yeah I like it all just send to my address thanks." With that Emir went out of the showroom by paying for the tuxedos he purchased.

"Thanks for coming." She said.

"So bro did she helped you to pick you outfits?" Nino asked in a mocking manner.

"Shut the fuck up." Emir said.
"I have to meet her father." Emir said.

"Hmm so where should we go now?" Nino said.

"Bourgeois's mansion." Emir said.

"Okay sir." Nino said.

At Bourgeois Mansion.

"Good morning Emir. What brings you here?" Steffen said.

"Good morning Mr. Bourgeois. Let me get on the point. Your daughter." Emir said.

"Huh My daughter?" Steffen asked.

"Yes sir, I just wanted to say I am madly in love with your daughter and I am here to ask for your permission to make her my girlfriend with marriage in my mind." Emir said calmly, yes he is so calm and carefree just meltem make him stutter.

"What?" Steffen said not believing his own ears. Like just imagine a boy come to your house randomly and is saying he is in love with your only daughter.

"Okay I will repeat myself sir I am here-" emir got interrupted by Steffen.

"Yeah I heard you well but how? I mean you never know Meltem in a person." Steffen said.

"Yes Mr. Bourgeois, Indeed I have never met her before until her birthday but that's where it all started. I am heads over heels for her. I guess that's what called love at first site umm first sight." Emir said.

Steffen got off-guard with Emir's straight forward behaviour.

"Hmm I need some-" steffen got interrupted.

"Well I just want to take her for a date if she would not like me then I will back off." Emir said.

"But I haven't approved yet. I mean you are handsome successful but still well you are a perfect match for her but-" Steffen said.

"What you are afraid of will never happen sir." Emir said understanding the uneasy feeling of Steffen.

"Can I trust you with my only daughter?" Steffen said.

"Yes you can trust me sir. We have been in a good buisness terms. I know we may be not Familier but I am here to extend our hands from more that buisness partener." Emir said genuinely.

Steffen was touched with the words of Emir, the ruthless mafia is being all soft for his daughter.

"Hey son I agree with all this, I am approving from my side. Now you just made sure Meltem to accept it if she denied then there is nothing I could do about it." Steffen said.

"Thankyou so much Father in law. Please fix a blind date so we could meet." Emir said.

"Father in law? Stop flattering me.", Steffen smiled.
"About date I will fix it umm what about upcoming Sunday?"

"Yess that's a good idea." Emir said.


A/n: So the love trap plan is 50% completed, also next part will be about Meltem's tragic past and Love trap 2.0.

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