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And if that wasn't enough ..
with everything getting out of shubhman's control ishan too seemed to be acting a bit differently these days, his touches would linger more than usual, his hands sometimes seemed to travel more on shubhmans body during their usual cuddels and he didn't seem to have shown any annoyance towards the fans for those roumers yet....
Shubhman was force to question was it the same all the time and shubhman had just never noticed..or dismissed because of his own insecurities..
So with each video coming up , every interaction of them being edited with romantic songs.. shubhman tried to gauze ishan's reaction over everything and to say the things he noticed, got him more out of order would definitely be a correct statement to make..

And with confirming that this really Is a blush , that coated ishan's whole face, neck and ears while watching any reel featuring them for the 1000 th time .. shubhman finally let himself hope.. hope that if not now, his ISHU will realize it someday, maybe with a little conversation because he seems to be slow in these matters...

And with the determination and rishabh, sheyash and Harry bhai's motivation shubhman decided to have the conversation with ishan...but could not muster up the courage.
Things continued to be the same.. fans kept loving them as a pair, shubhman kept failing in his attempts of talking to ishan even though they were joint at hips , always talking about ine thing or another according to everyone else..

But things changed one evening when during a casual match of playing fifa ,
shubhman again tried to start a conversation containing them, with stuttering and then tried to change the topic by trying to leave the room,
he felt a sudden pull in his hand and found himself landed too near to ishan's chest.. caged in ishan's arms with one hand sliding through his waist and other holding his hand.. shubhman's feet carried him backwards and soon he realized that wasn't a wise decision because now, he was completely caged between the wall and the guy of his dreams and hopes...

where do you think you're going shubi, this is our room and everyone else might be sleeping by now..
Are you trying to avoid me ? Said ishan tightening his grip on shubhman's hand And all shubhman could wish was for his heart to not beat this loud and fast..And for ishan to not come this close and give more to shubhman's already large collection of wistful wishes..

Answer to me.. I've seen you speaking more to rishabh these days and not sharing the talks to me afterwards.. you know I don't like share you with anyone right? his voice demanding, a little frown on his forhead and eyes searching for something in shubhman's..

Call it frustration or just a little crack in the patience of gill, he found himself asking Why?.. why do you care this much ishan, I'm not yours for you to decide that you don't want to share me.. moreover, Rishabh.. he is our friend and we talk to him all the time, so what if i am having few conversations with him alone..You are the social butterfly yourself, you talk to everyone all the time.. ,feeling proud that he managed to without stuttering.

Shubhman could not gauge what ishan thought of his reply.. when ISHU scoffed before saying.. why do I care about whom and what do you talk to someone who's not me... who else would I care for if not you, who else am I close enough to give a Damm!?
And who told you, you're not mine meri jaan ? Let me tell you shubhman gill, you belong to me and only me and I am very possessive for what's mine..
with that ishan took a big sigh and continued.. You know it's diffrent with you and anyone else.. there is nothing that I talk to others that I would not share with you.. do you get that.. now would you tell me what's been bothering you ? ishan's hand now caressing shubmans face, freeing the caged hands.. yet holding onto one lightly..

This admission or statement after months of evergrowing overthinking in shubhi's mind shakes something caged within shubhman and he finally spills looking equal parts raged, defeated and guilty...

Oh God Ishu, stop it, stop it ... Stop saying things if you don't mean them , please... how am I yours.. and why am I yours if I do not get to have you in every way I wish to keep you to myself too ? what if i dont see you the way you expect me to? What if i do have things that i can't tell you.. more like you'd rather not know..
what if you will hate me after getting to know the part of me I'm trying to shield from you.. Do you know even the thought of you hating me Breakes my heart to pieces ishan ??Do you know from how long I've stopped thinking of you as my best friend only, do you know that it doesn't need you calling me as yours for me to know that in my heart.. do you have any idea from how long i've just simply accepted that im all yours... do you know how it scares me, if im reading things wrong or if im being pathetic and control each of my actions according to your behaviour.. and then.. then you come along and do something like this breaking all my control with this ease of yours.. do you know how my heart feels when people suggest you to go on dates and try to find a girlfriend for you.. do you have any idea how much i want you in my life..emotionally and physically..
And be on the place of anyone or everyone that has a chance of you loving them, have you got any idea how much i want you as a man wants another man to fulfil all his sinful and pure desires , how madly i am in love with you , how badly i want to kiss you right now?
do you have any idea.. as shubhi was saying this his breath coming sharp , voice breaking he felt a very soft feather like touch of someone's lip on his own..the touch felt known yet new.. and it dawn upon him that ishan .. on his tip toes has placed his lips on his.. his touch gentle, light but firm and unmoving...

[ They kissed 💋
I know it's not good.
This is my first time trying to write an actual real story and not just excerpts so I'm hoping I'd get better with time. ]

I'm @she.talks.to.stars on insta if you wanted to know anddddd
I should say this rn that it's not that I imagine the real people ishan and shubhman doing these things or that I am asserting a point that they are not just friends irl
All I'm saying is I love their bromance and it gives my mind space to think of stories and imagine a happy ending for many people who need it , including me.

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