Part 1

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Harry straightens out the cuffs on his blue coat and looks outward onto the ballroom floor. Girls in their beautiful, colorful, flowing dresses are still waiting in line for a dance with him and perhaps the ultimate prize of becoming The One.

Tonight is his night. All eyes are on him and this beautifully decorated ballroom was put together just for him. No one knows other than Harry. But he doesn't want to be here and he doesn't want this. But it was his father who decided this should take place. And he doesn't want to upset his father, whom also happens to be the king of this Kingdom...

"You will soon run the kingdom, my son." King Des had said one day. "And you will need a respectable, responsible wife by your side just as I have Queen Anne."

"Do I really need a wife?" Prince Harry asked.

"Why, of course you do. Who will give you a son to take over the kingdom in your place without a wife? And you know I do not condone intercourse before marriage, if you are not a surrogate mother. Only children in wedlock."

Harry doesn't speak after that. Only listens as his father explains how he and his mother will put together a Grand Ball so that he can find a suitable marriage partner. It is said to be in 6 days which would be enough time to prepare.

After their long and (Harry would say) utterly dreadful talk, Harry sneaks away from the palace and out to the stables for his snow white horse, whom he named Winter. Once he has saddled himself up, he's riding through the palace gates and out into the forest. Following a 20 minute journey, he finally arrives at his destination. He comes up to a small three story wooden tower and he knocks on the door. A woman answers and she's in an apron.

"Oh. How do you do, Prince Harry?" she asks quickly bowing down and he does the same.

"Well, M'lady. I brought you a pouch of those sugar cookies you like from the palace kitchen. Shh. Don't tell anyone."

"Oh, thank you." she chuckles taking the little black pouch from him.

"You're welcome. Is your son anywhere around?"

"Yes. Zayn's home. Just one moment."

She leaves the doorway and vanishes around the corner. Next thing Harry knows, a boy with honey eyes and dark colored hair appears before him and he bows just like his mother did.

"Welcome, Prince Harry. Should I lead you up to my room?"

"Yes, please." he answers and they go inside. Harry sees Zayn's father standing next to his mother, so he greets him before going up the steps.

"Yaser, how lucky are we, that our son gets to be a consultant for the Prince?" Zayn's mother asks.

"Very lucky, Patricia. People look down on poor families like us. And they certainly wouldn't deem any of us smart enough to give the royal son advice. But that Prince Harry isn't like that. He is a good one. And I know he will take care of the kingdom just like his father has."

"Maybe even better." she comments.

Harry and Zayn get to the third level of the tower and the whole level only consists of Zayn's bedroom, not that it's very big anyway. They step inside the room and Zayn closes the door, then lets down the wooden latch to lock it.

He immediately runs over to the window, looking downward and yells down below.

"Hello Winter! Good to see you again!"

The horse responds to it's name and bobs it's head up and down to show how happy it is to hear Zayn's voice again. And Zayn is chuckling at how excited she seems to be, when a hand pushes his long hair from his neck and a pair of lips leave soft lingering kisses on it. Shivers shoot through his spine and the Prince's arms snake around his waist pulling Zayn against the front of his uniform. "You love when I do that, don't you?" he whispers in his ear.

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