Part 5

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Harry finally reaches the tower and from what he can see, there is flickering light shining through most of the windows, even Zayn's. That tells him they are all still up. He commands Winter to stay and be quiet and he jumps down from his horse. He knocks on the door, then taps his foot nervously. To his surprise, the door opens right away and Zayn's mother stands there. "Oh... Prince Harry." She says bowing. "How do you-"

"Where's Zayn?"

She quickly stands prostrate and he sees the worried look on her face. "He's up is his room. He won't talk to us, but we've heard him crying all night."

"May I see him then?"

"Yes, you know the way."

"He steps inside as she closes the door behind him. "I'm asking that you give us complete privacy please."

"Yes, of course."

Harry runs up to the room so fast, that he doesn't even notice Zayn's father speaking to him. "Zayn, open up."

There is a quiet pause and that's mostly because on the other side of the door, Zayn is surprised that it's Harry who is at his door.

"Zayn, open up." he repeats.

"No, Prince Harry. I do not wish to see you right now." he says kindly in case his parents are there too.

"I will not leave, and you better open up because these are orders. Come now, or I'll use force and break down the door."

Zayn growls and gets up out of his bed to open the door. He sees his parents aren't there. But he still speaks in a low tone so they don't overhear him addressing him without his title. "How dare you Harry? You sicken me when you go around using your powers for trivial things, yet refuse to use them for the larger things you want." He walks into the room, and allows Harry to close the door and let down the latch.

"I'm sorry for threatening you like that." he says. "But that was the only way to get in here so I could apologize."

"Harry, just save it. I don't need an apology from you because you and I are no more. I don't know what I was thinking when I chose to get involved with the King's son. I guess I thought you were different, but you are just like him, and I can't believe I fell for it."

"Now, you just wait Zayn. My father is a great king. Just because this is one thing he does not accept, that doesn't make him a terrible ruler."

"I never said that. But you know good and well that he is a tricky man, Harry. He's tricking you into thinking you have no say so whatsoever, just like you tricked me into thinking you cared. Therefore, you are the same. And I will view you as the same."

Zayn goes to stand and look out the window and Harry can't help but admit that he is right. In a way, he did trick Zayn. But he actually does care. "I don't want us to be finished, I couldn't even imagine being finished with you."

"Well, you should have thought about that earlier. It's too late now."

Harry strides over to him and he spins him around. "Will you stop it?! I did think about that. I got ready to say it, I swear. But King Des was going to kill you as soon as I pointed you out of the crowd!"

"And how do you know that?! You don't!"

"Yes, I do know that! He had already known, alright! He already knew I was sneaking around with you and he knows about our romance." He sighs and closes his eyes to collect his thoughts. His voice is calmer when he speaks this time. "I didn't even have to tell him. But he made it very clear that he hates everything about it. So there you have it Zayn. You've got what you wanted. I knew he wasn't going to bend the law. Not even for me."

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