chapter 2

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Alexander POV

It was quite early in the morning it was 5:30 . Fuck i slept in my office again. I had a dream last night it was about Alyssa i cant believe i let her go. I hurt her. But why did she beat up her sister? i keep telling myself that i did the right thing . but she was 4 only 4 she couldn't do that. But then who did .She did it . She did it . I told myself again and again. She left the boarding school when she was 6 why didn't i get her? Shes been missing for years. My family was left broken but Victoria the most it was her daughter . 

It was 6:00 ,time for us to make us breakfast for the kids. I was the italian mafia don but i cant seem to find her. We all think she died. It was around 7 then i called my family down for breakfast. then i got a call.

"Hello is this Alexander De Luca ? " a lady on the phone asked.

"Yes this is him. Why are you asking?" i questioned

" I have your daughter " my eyes shot up

" Why are you lying . i..i t..thought she died?" i stutter

" No infact her foster parents have died . are you willing to take her?

"Yes I'll take her!!" i screamed

" I'll send you the address sir ." i ended the call

Alyssa POV

Recap: " Can Alyssa white report to the office"

This wasn't anything new to me i always went there it was like my third home. Anyways i walked up to the office and barged down the door and gave the look of me telling him 'tell me what i did already.' after a good minute he finally spoke.

" Alyssa would you like to tell me who burned the science block ?"

" All i know is that it wasn't me because i would've started with this room." he looked at me with a face full of fear while i was emotionless. no one would ever know what i feel except Ellie she was my sister.

" Then would you care to tell me who vandalised the english rooms"

"nope didn't do it" i say calmly i did do both though

" did you beat up Brittney?" that little bitch poured her drink all over me so i did the logical thing beat her up i gave her a warning last time. but nooooo she didn't take it seriously. So karma

" Now that i can admit to"

"Did you know you put her on a 2 day comma"

" My day just keep getting better. but i wish she was there longer. Karma is a bitch"

" Anyways i have some news..." he paused long enough for me to say

"Hurry the fuck up old ass man ." i snapped i've been here long enough. it was getting bored of it.

"ummm...... your parents have died but it was for an unknown reason" i knew who it was one of my men i couldn't deal with their shit and asked to kill them. now i have no distraction.

my face still  blanc  i spit out " So i'm going to an orphanage or foster care " i didn't give a shit about which option would happen . I need an answer.

" No you're going with your biological family." fuck my life. I hate them with all my heart now i have to suffer.

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