A fews days later on it had been a quiet and peaceful life so far right now , it has been like that after being marry to him fully now no problem being had with us it has been very alright  to say that it is very different marriage when he was marry to Caroline 

He respect me more then her look like it more love is there with us like I have been the first person he has marry to , like it has been years we have been marry for but it hasn't been that long time since our wedding 

Moxxie and Crimson  have a better bond a lot more often together , what I do love to see them doing that a lot more then with Caroline being  there with them , they was very distant from their father and son relationship but with me it is more best match up it has been too 

 we are playing football all outside with Moxxie for a couple of moments in the garden before going in to have some lunch 

- there you  go son - Crims  said to him while past the ball a bit too high for him to get it while Moxxie is gone to get it 

- Crims really that was a bit too high for him - I said to him complain to him about that while he is coming over to me and smile to me 

-was it now I didn mean to do it - he said to me while put that stupid look on his face toward at me clearly he mean to do it to him to get him out of the way for a moment 

- of course you didn - I said to him while watch him still got that cigarette in his mouth light 

- come here my love - he said to me while he is come over to me I move out of the way want him to chase me if he want me that badly 

- oh no you don , if you want me so bad Crims you have to chase me and you are it - I said to him going over to him and put my hand on his shoulder to say that he is it and now he have to get me 

 - come back over here , you little minx - he said to me while I am run away to somewhere far away from him to get me , it is getting more fun being around him now too 

- giggles - I laugh at him as he is come over to me , I hide away from him tried to hide away good enough for him not to find me right away 

My back isn cover very well with the bush , he have find me and decide to surprise up on me by tickle my side it turn a shock on me because I didn seen him coming 

- find you my love I have - he said to me whisper in my ears,  I now that it was him he is hold onto my waist from behind now 

- oh damm I though I had you there with this good hide spot here  - I said to him pout my face to him that he have find me so easy 

- oh too bad then , that I have got you then my love isn it - he said to me in my ear make me tickle from how low he said that down my earhole make me have goosebumps all over my body 

- mummy daddy I got the ball loook , it was over there - Moxxie said to us hold onto the ball coming over to us with it to play some more 

- come here Moxx - Crimson said to him while he was let me go and go with Moxxie to play some more with the ball with each other past back forward from each other 

I am watch them play with each other , maid come up to me it is time for lunch time now by her look coming over to us 

- madam it is time for lunch - she said to me what she want to say to us that it is lunch time , so it is time to go back in the mansions to have it 

- we are going to come in one more min okay - I said to her that to give us some more minutes to play this then we be in soon 

- yes madam - she said that was all as she have dispatch from me to go back in the mansion to tell the other maid that we will be in soon 

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