Chapter 2- First Steps

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Chapter 2- First Steps

In the outer reaches of the galaxy, a small freighter drops out of hyperspace. The freighter shows some real signs of wear and tear. And in the Darth Malgus.

After he was released from the carbonite he was frozen in, Malgus had gone on to slaughter every pirate and smuggler in the facility before taking one of the freighters used by one of the now dead smugglers. Immediately, he had set off from the planet to try and figure out what was happening.

His first step had been one he was certain would give him some answers: Korriban. Unfortunately, that was not the case. When he got to Korriban, he found the planet in ruins and abandoned, even moreso than when the Sith Empire recaptured Korriban. Malgus had scouted the planet for a full day, but could find little to explain the destruction or what had happened since he was frozen. However, he had gotten a clue that he had been frozen for much longer than he expected.

After leaving Korriban, Malgus had made his way to the planet Mygeeto, considering it a good place to start looking for answers while avoiding being too obvious about his movements. And there, at a mining facility, he discovered the truth: he had been frozen for over three and a half thousand years. In that time, not only had his beloved Sith Empire been destroyed, but the Sith themselves but had been all but wiped out. And now, the galaxy was in the middle of a war between a more corrupt and incompetent Republic than ever, and a secessionist movement led by who seemed to Malgus to be a Sith, or Sith pretender, called Dooku.

To say that rage filled Malgus was an understatement. He was furious that he had been trapped for thousands of years. He was furious that his Sith Empire had fragmented so thoroughly and been utterly destroyed. And he had been furious that the Sith had eventually devolved into the pitiful Brotherhood of Darkness and let themselves be destroyed. And now, this shadow of a Sith Lord Dooku had risen to try and lead the galaxy. Malgus could not be more furious, and in his rage, slaughtered the inhabitants of the facility he had visited and a number of natives living in the area before leaving Mygeeto.

Upon departing Mygeeto, Malgus decided to visit a planet where he could not only immerse himself in the dark side and figure out his next move, but also maybe find some allies: Dathomir. Malgus hoped that the Nightsisters be able to aid him in re-establishing himself, and perhaps to take revenge on the Republic. Malgus was determined to exact his revenge on the Republic and destroy as much of the Jedi as he could, but he knew he needed allies in this time with the Sith Empire destroyed.

Now, Malgus watches Dathomir grow larger and larger as his ship approaches the planet. He feels a sense of dark purpose as the planet approaches. Soon, he will be able to embark on a path of revenge. And it will start here on Dathomir.

Malgus guides the freighter down into the atmosphere. As he descends towards the surface, he activates his scanners and begins to scan the surface. To his surprise, the area below him is showing little signs of life. This is one of the areas where he knows the Nightsisters kept a major fortress. So why is he not detecting anything?

However, as he scans again, something pops up on the scanners. A small ship, parked near the location where Malgus knows one of the Nightsisters' temples was located in his day. Figuring it is as good a place as any to start, Malgus guides his ship down and sets it down a short distance from the small ship.

After shutting down the ship, Malgus disembarks and heads in the direction of the temple, his lightsaber held in his hand, but not yet activated. As he moves towards the temple, he keeps his senses open and alert, feeling his surroundings with the Force. He does not know what he might face, and is determined not to be caught off guard.

As Malgus approaches the ruined temple, he feels something through the Force. A prickling warning. Under his ventilator, a smirk crosses his face.

As the entrance to the temple comes into view, Malgus watches as two figures emerge from the temple, making their way towards him. As they come closer, Malgus realizes that they are in fact two Zabraks, one with gold and black skin, but the other with red and black Sith tattoos covering his body. The second also had cybernetic legs, while the first has a shoddy cybernetic arm. As Malgus observes them, the red Zabrak gives off the air of being the leader of the two.

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