Chapter 3- Rival Forces

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Chapter 3- Rival Forces

Within the throne room of his castle, Count Dooku is reviewing reports on recent battles in the Outer Rim. The Republic has recently begun gaining momentum against the Separatists, moreso than even Dooku or his master expected. Dooku is a little concerned that at this rate, the war may end sooner than he or his master planned for. Already, he is crafting plans on how he can slow the Republic's offensives to give the Sith more time to enact their plan.

The silence is broken by beeping from the commlink on his desk. Dooku knows what that noise means. He presses the button to activate the commlink, then gets down on his knees as an image of his master, Darth Sidious, appears before him.

"What is it, my master?" Dooku asks Sidious.

"There is a great disturbance in the Force. The dark side has swelled in strength, but not because of us. There is a new player in the galaxy," Sidious speaks. His tone is slightly different than normal. Clearly, whatever is going on seriously bothers Sidious.

"I have felt it too, my master," Dooku responds.

"We must determine the source of this disturbance. If this new force continues to grow in strength, it could threaten our plans," Sidious says. He pauses for a moment, then says, "You must find it, apprentice. Leave at once, and report to me once you have found the source. We must either see that this new player is swayed to our service...or see them destroyed."

"I will leave at once, master," Dooku answers.

"Take caution, apprentice. This is not a threat to take lightly," Sidious warns ominously.

(Two days later)

Above a volcanic planet in the Outer Rim, a planet once used as a mining colony by the old Sith Empire, Dooku's Solar Sailer descends towards the planet, having launched from a Providence class dreadnought that brought him to the planet. Dooku has spent the last two days following the Force, trying to find the source of the new disturbance in the Force. Finally, he has tracked it to this planet in the Outer Rim.

Dooku is calm and quiet as his ship descends into the atmosphere of the planet. His master is taking this threat very seriously, so Dooku knows that he cannot be flippant or overconfident about this either.

Dooku descends towards the surface as he begins scanning the surface for activity. It doesn't take him too long before he finds something. A ship of some kind parked at what is supposed to be a long-abandoned mining facility. And within seconds, his sensors show that the power is on at the facility. Somebody has set up shop in the facility.

Dooku activates his commlink up to the ship. "I have found the target's location. Ready one fighter squadron and one bomber squadron, and position them close by. Stand by for my call," he orders the ship's captain.

"Yes, sir," the captain responds before Dooku cuts the call.

Dooku guides his ship down to a landing outside the facility. After shutting down the engine, he makes his way out of the ship and starts heading towards the entrance to the facility. As he walks away from his ship, he draws his lightsaber from his belt, ready for any trouble.

It doesn't take too long for trouble to find him. As Dooku approaches the large doors leading into the facility, the doors open, some smoke from the facility billowing out as they do. After a few seconds, to Dooku's surprise, Savage Opress comes walking out of the facility.

Dooku halts in his tracks, facing down Savage, the two standing in silence for several moments. Dooku finally breaks the silence as he says, "Savage. You live."

"I am not so easily killed. I found my brother, and now, we have a new master," Savage says in his gruff, brutish voice.

"A new master?" Dooku questions his former, temporary apprentice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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