Cosmic Pact

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Location: The Arachnidian Loom

Li Xue PoV:

After she had spoken, Li Xue found herself under the meticulous scrutiny of the suspected outer deity. Instincts, finely tuned through countless years of cultivation, reverberated warning bells with unprecedented intensity.

This apprehension surpassed any she had ever experienced – more profound than chance meetings with cultivators from higher realms when she herself was just a beginner to the art of cultivation or evading periodic encounters with that enigmatic woman who exuded an air of madness.

Naturally, in her previous existence, she never had the privilege, or perhaps the misfortune, of being in the presence of an outer deity.

Her understanding of them was quite restricted, primarily derived from hearsay or propagated through religious rhetoric, as some such entities were known across the vast expanse of the multiverse. Such entities were a minority as knowledge of the outer gods was limited and highly sought after.

Powerful people flocked to earn their favour in search of power or forbidden knowledge, but their ends were less than ideal.

There were cases were people regardless of age or gender were turned to clumps of swirling meat ceaselessly reproducing abominations or previously kindhearted souls who saw something they should not turning insane lunatics bent committing genocide.

The list of such examples was endless, but this did not change the fact that people still sought after 'Them' like moths to a flame.

While Li Xue had the basic reverence towards 'Them' that any sane individual should have, she preferred not to become yet another example added to this list of examples. While Li Xue was thinking she heard a beautiful feminine voice reverberate inside her head causing her to momentarily freeze.

'Relax. You can raise your head and look around freely.' She briefly wavered, contemplating whether to heed the spoken instructions. Her instincts warned her not to but obviously she could not disobey an order issued by 'Her'.

Contemplating this, Li Xue cast another glance at the divine realm of 'Her,' maintaining her vigilant stance. Deep down, she acknowledged the futility of her caution, recognizing her own vulnerability in the presence of such a formidable predator. Even in her prime, she would have been powerless, and now, in her diminished state, resistance seemed utterly futile. Such was the instinct of life.

Fortunately, upon opening her eyes, she sensed no additional burden from the divine realm pressing upon her soul. The breathtaking cosmic web, woven from the starry expanse stretching endlessly into the void, unfolded before her, set against an expansive backdrop of boundless white.

'I could really use a good drink...'The corners of Li Xue's lips twitched and contorted in a half-smile, feeling an unprecedented thirst for alcohol. She already had plans to drown her post-divine encounter stress in a sea of spirits, preferably after safely navigating through this cosmic escapade and collapsing onto her bed for a well-deserved few days of shut-eye.

The weight of encountering a higher being, combined with the recent time regression, was beginning to take its toll, and the allure of a boozy remedy seemed more appealing than ever. Li Xue wished for this one moment that she had rather not regressed just so she could drink some celestial nectar.

Brewed from the tears of celestial dragons and aged in the heart of a collapsing star, this exclusive alcoholic beverage is said to grant cultivators insights into the mysteries of the universe while delivering a smooth, otherworldly taste. Of course she did not desire it to uncover any mysteries at this very moment.

The reason she desired it was that this drink was so potent that higher realm cultivators beyond the 10th major stage of cultivation like her previous self could also get drunk after a few sips.

Only the wealthiest and most influential figures can afford a sip of this divine drink, which is guarded by mystical creatures and protected by ancient sects. Cultivators seek it not just for its inebriating effects but also for the bragging rights that come with having imbibed the tears of cosmic beings. Li Xue could just barely afford it in her previous life.

This drink was only served in a legendary tavern known as "Stellar Spirits & Spirals" that exists at the crossroads of the multiverse. Renowned across realms and dimensions, this tavern is a hotspot for the gathering of diverse beings, each seeking a taste of the extraordinary.

Owned by the enigmatic Elder Brewmaster, a being rumored to have witnessed the birth of countless stars, Stellar Spirits & Spirals is a haven for connoisseurs of the rare and the sublime and the celestial nectar was but one such drink. If any of them knew of her in person encounter with an outer deity, they would meet all her demands regardless of how outrageous they were.

Li Xue suppressed the divergent thoughts she was having and cautiously asked a question:

""Are you the owner of that spindle-like object responsible for regressing me to my younger self?"

'It is customary among mortals to present oneself first before questioning others, or has this tradition devolved during my period of slumber? And to answer your previous question; yes, that object does belong to me.' Shivers ran down Li Xue's spine as she heard 'Her' reply and she quickly bowed before saying:

"I sincerely apologize, my name is Li Xue. And I beg your forgiveness, but that object has already been shattered. I will face any punishment you give." She did not want to turn into a distorted abomination and all that could prevent such a fate was this apology.

'It does not matter. That object is meant to be broken when obtained by the predestined person.' Luckily her apology seemed to be accepted as Li Xue relaxed soon after. This was too stressful.

Li Xue analysed everything 'She' had said to look for next course of action. According to 'Her' words, 'She' was previously in a state of slumber having only recently woken up. In this a preview for the upcoming 'cataclysm'?

Maybe the other outer gods were in a similar state and after waking up all of reality was moving towards destruction due to 'Their' active interference, leading to the birth of a new era. She did not know and did not dare to find out. Such explorations should only be done by powerful cultivators.

That aside, the cosmic spindle was meant to be broken? And Li Xue was this predestined person leading to her regression? Upon further questioning, the answer she got was that she was nothing special.

Multiple such objects were scattered around the multiverse just waiting for someone to pick them up. Upon asking for the criteria for being chosen, 'She' said:

'That is something for you to uncover yourself after gaining the appropriate strength necessary to obtain this information. Of course, I can choose to divulge this information to you but the consequences might be very...hazardous.'

"No. I don't require this information." She did not want a fate worse than death due to curiosity. One of constantly reproducing with all living and non-living things, however that might have been possible, or something worse.

Li Xue's imagination had limits to the horrors she could imagine. She then asked: "What price do I have to pay?"

'The gifts of fate have already been marked with a price. Since destiny has chosen and helped you, there will definitely be a corresponding price to pay. One must adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange. If you provide something of value, whether it's information or otherwise, I will reciprocate with assistance of a corresponding magnitude.'

Equivalent exchange...she had heard of this being a fundamental principle of alchemy. Something people of lower cultivations regularly sought to break. It was a laughable idea for them to aspire towards, but such drive had brought major innovations in the field of alchemy.

Of course, Li Xue did not think that an outer deity had any reason to abide by such a rule as 'They' were the makers of the rules. Reality was but a playground to 'Them'. So 'she' must have had some other reason to do so.

If Li Xue was a predestined person chosen by this outer goddess, she would likely remain under 'Her' watchful eye for eternity or until she met her untimely demise. The thought of being under the scrutiny of an outer deity was certainly stressful but she had no say in it.

All things aside, 'She' was the reason that Li Xue even had a second chance and this outer goddess did not seem to hold any hostility towards Li Xue. At least, she was not being corrupted.

Li Xue might even be able to win 'Her' favour if she achieved any tasks she was assigned. Anyway, the symbol on the back of her palm already signified that she had signed a pact with this outer goddess. Thinking about all of this she asked:

"How may I address you, Your Excellency?" She was a bit afraid that the outer goddess might interpret this message differently and tell Li Xue her name which might cause her to go crazy. Outer gods thought differently from mortal species, after all. The true names of no outer deities were known for this reason.

Any person who might have known 'Their' names was already non-existent. Li Xue once again heard the ethereal voice inside her head:

'You can address me as White.' Hmm, she had not come across any deity going by this name in her previous life. It did not seem right to call 'Her' by this name directly, even if it was not 'Her' true name. So, she said:

"As you wish, Lady White." There was a pause for a minute or two after her reply. This awkward silence made Li Xue question if she had done something wrong as she fiercely thought over their entire conversation.

'I know of your predicament and what you desire. You have a major role to play in the renewal that will unfold in the future.' Upon hearing the response, Li Xue heaved another sigh of relief, marking yet another such instance in this fleeting exchange.

Li Xue had a major role to play in the so-called 'renewal'? Is this the outer deity term for the cataclysm? She could not continue to delve into the words as 'She' spoke once more:

'I will provide you with assistance once more before you repay you debts by accomplishing tasks I will assign you.'

Li Xue had expected tasks to be assigned to her anyway. After all, they were talking about getting a frickin outer goddess's favour here. All those sects, holy lands and powerful families would have been wrought with envy if they knew.

'I will help you embark on your journey as a beyonder by providing you with a sequence-9 beyonder characteristic of my pathway. Do you wish to receive it?'

Leaving aside the fact that she had no right to commit such a blasphemous act by denying this favour, she would not have chosen to do so anyway. A sequence-9 characteristic was something she was desperately searching for!

'Once you return to the mortal realm, prepare an altar or sanctified space, keeping the atmosphere simple yet resonant with cosmic energies like qi. Engrave this symbol:..'

Li Xue observed the symbol which was an intricately woven spider's web suspended within the cosmic expanse, with threads extending in all directions.

'Follow the sacrificial ritual steps which I presume you know, with 'Starlit Ambrosia' as an offering.' Li Xue of course knew what 'Starlit Ambrosia' was. It was a rather commonly available to cultivators, a delicacy known for its cosmic sweetness.

'Utilize any primordial language to recite:

The Weaver of Cosmic Destiny;
Lady of Boundless White;
Mistress of the Ethereal Web;
The Spider Goddess Who Reigns Above the Cosmos.
I pray for your blessings. I pray for you to weave my fate. I pray for you to Open the cosmic gates to your ethereal dominion. Grant me the strength woven within your threads.

Conclude the chanting and merge materials containing qi with the celestial energies invoked by the incantation.'

After concluding that statement, Li Xue did not even have the time to contemplate everything she had heard, whether it was the honorific name or the ritual itself as her vision was once again consumed by the blinding white light.

Shiraori PoV:

Phew...I made up all of that on the go. Hopefully it should work as I think it will. I created all of this based on my knowledge of LoTM as well as the information I gained from Li Xue's memories using the evil eye of past sight which my parallel minds figured out how to use.

I had an honorific name thought out anyway when I was filling in the survey. The whole bestowing a beyonder characteristic thing was something I decided on after viewing her memories as well. Anyway, all the characteristics of my pathway belong to me and I can distribute them as I wish.

My parallel minds are sorting out all the information obtained from regressor-chan before I will view it in detail after I have bestowed the beyonder characteristic to her. It should not take too long.

Anyway, I have had a cursory glance at all of it and saw lots of interesting stuff in her memories as well as places I have decided to visit in due time. Such as the celestial nectar served at the 'Stellar Spirits & Spirals' tavern.

I should visit the fun places before any trouble creeps my way or Abyss-chan comes after me. Let's go there next and see if it is enough to get me drunk.

I kind of glossed over the information obtained from using the evil eye here as I will show it in detail as chapters progress. The next chapter of my main fic 'Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What?' will probably be release sometime next week in case you are waiting. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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