𝟎𝟐 | 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭

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"You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it."

Grimmauld Place

Apparating to Grimmauld Place, she lands on the kitchen floor with a hard thud. She groans as she tries to sit up, feeling as though she has no strength left in her body. Quickly realizing it was no use, she called out softly for the one person who might be able to help, "Kreacher."

With a sharp crack, the house elf appeared in front of her. As soon as his large eyes land on the girl, they widen in shock. "What has happened to Mistress Rosabella?" he asks, sounding incredibly concerned for the young girl.

The old house elf, who hated most people, had a soft spot for the young Potter girl. During her time on the run, when she stayed at Grimmauld Place, Rosabella got close to Kreacher. She always treated him kindly and respectfully. She made sure he ate and slept, and she never ordered him around; she always asked nicely. After she became lady of the house of black, Kreacher started to call her mistress. She told the house elf that he could just call her Rosabella or Rose, but Kreacher was persistent. The young girl reminded Kreacher of his late master, Regulus.

Rosabella, feeling almost too weak to speak out loud, gathered the rest of her strength to mutter, "Please, Kreacher, help me. Please." before promptly passing out.

Kreacher immedley jumped to help his young mistress. Snapping his fingers, he levitates her body up the stairs and into the room she had claimed as her own. Once she's lying on the bed, Kreacher moves her shirt up to expose the wound on her stomach and gasps at the sight of it. It looked like her stomach was shredded, and he also spotted a harsh-looking bite mark on her left side.

Casting a spell that would show him all of her injuries, Kreacher was shocked by the extent of them. From the amount of spell damage, it looked as though multiple wizards ganged up on her. Not only that, but there was evidence of dark curses as well. Quickly, the house elf starts casting healing spells after healing spells, hoping to repair as much damage as possible.

♥ ♥ ♥

Around 12 hours later, Rosabella lay on her bed, still unconscious, while Kreacher sat next to her, dabbing a wet cloth on her forehead. The old house elf was very worried for his young mistress; for a while, he wasn't sure if she would make it; now he's just waiting for her to wake.

Although he is slightly confused, Kreacher had seen Rosabella after the battle, and she was hurt, but not like this. Now he was stuck wondering what in Merlin's name happened after he left. Kreacher's attention was brought back to his mistress when he saw her shift slightly in the bed.

Groaning in pain, Rosabella's eyes fluttered open. Blinking her eyes against the light, she looks around, confused as to where she is. When she looked to her right to see Kreacher's big eyes looking at her, memories of how she wound up there flashed through her mind. All of the hurt and betrayal came rushing back, making the young girl choke back a sob. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Rosabella winces as she feels pain radiate through her body.

"How is Mistress Rose feeling?" Kreacher croaked, with concern lacing his words. Rosabella tried to smile at the house elf, though she is sure it looked more like a grimace. "I am feeling a bit better, considering everything that's happened in the last couple of days." She responded with an empty chuckle.

Kreacher looked at Rosabella with sympathy when she asked him about her injuries. When he told her the extent of the damage, her face paled, especially after she heard about the bite. She let out a shaky sigh, trying to process everything. "Is there anything Kreacher can get for his mistress, Rosabella?" he asked, eager to help.

Rosabella shook her head. "No, I'm alright for now, little one. Why don't you go get some rest? I'm sure you tired after taking care of me." She said it softly, with a small smile.

The old, normally grumpy, house elf beamed at her. "Kreacher will go to rest now, but Mistress Rose had better promise Kreacher that she will call for him when she needs assistance," he stated firmly. Rosabella let out a soft chuckle, as she promised him. Kreacher nodded happily before bowing and disappearing from the room.

Looking up at the ceiling, Rosabella sighed as she thought about everything that had happened. Through all the hard times since walking through the doors of Hogwarts Castle, she had never expected the people she thought of as family would betray her.

She gave everything to the Weasley's and Hermione. Her love and loyalty have been with them since her first day at Hogwarts. Yet, without batting an eye, they all turned on her. She has never felt a betrayal like that before; nothing has ever hurt her so much. She simply never saw it coming, so what does that say about her?

Rosabella, for the first time, felt completely and utterly alone. Through the years, she had lost every bit of the remaining family she still had, but even with that, she always thought she would have her best friends by her side. Now it seemed she had nobody. Nobody that understood everything she had been through or how hard it was on her. Sirius and Remus, her two parental figures and her father's best friends, were both gone.

The only happy thought she had right at that moment was that now that the war was over, she could finally see her adoptive father, her papa. She still had him, at least, but he didn't know everything that happened, and she hadn't spoken to him since she went on the run. Rosabella knows that he must be worried sick, and all she can do is hope he's safe. That was the whole reason she left in the first place; she just wanted him to be safe from all the chaos in the wizarding world.

All Rosabella wanted right now was her family. She wanted her papa to hold her in his arms and sing the lullaby he used to sing to her when she was a little girl. She wanted her Padfoot, her dogfather, to tell her of the adventures he had had during his time at Hogwarts and listen to his bark-like laugh. She wanted her Uncle Moony to make her hot chocolate and tell her silly fun facts. And she wanted her mum and dad; simply meeting them would be enough.

With tears falling down her cheeks, Rosabella shuts her eyes and falls to sleep, hoping for dreams of happier times.

With tears falling down her cheeks, Rosabella shuts her eyes and falls to sleep, hoping for dreams of happier times

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Second chapter!! This is kind of a filler, next chapter things will start heating up a bit...  Leave some comments! Enjoy <3

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or The Vampire Diaries, both belong to their respective owners, I only own my OC character and the plot changes.

~ xoxo Book Slut ~

Word count: 1,130

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