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Had anything ever been real?

Now that he looks back, and tries to pick apart his life, he can't tell you the answer. Was this really the way people treated him, or was this just the way he deserved to be treated? He couldn't tell you. He didn't even have a clue.

He didn't know what was right or wrong, if this attention was good. It had made him who he was, there was no denying it...the pain, the loneliness, the fear.

It had wired his brain in such a way that he couldn't help but overthink every little detail and plan out his very last breath. Was this how he was living? Was this really, truly how he's lived his life? It was almost unfathomable.

He knew he wasn't worth much, but still.

Was he really worth that little he was seen as...disposable?


He decided.

He wasn't.. He would never be disposable, he wouldn't allow it. He would work every single day if he had to, in order to achieve his dream. Didn't matter the cost. Doesn't matter what he'll have to do.

The first place he'll start- 

Well.. He was still trying to decide.

How was he to think, to comprehend that this thought process was toxic? It was eating at his brain, slowly deteriorating the kind, sweet and pure soul until he was but a shell of the boy he once was. What would happen when his soul was finally broken? Would he even be alive?  Would he be.. Would he be human? 

It was a gamble. 

Life always did seem to be one. Especially his. The next day was never promised, happiness never offered, and loneliness always guaranteed. Every word, look and sneer made him feel like walking scum, maybe...maybe he was? 

Was that possible? Was it possible that he was the problem? HA!


It's the world. The world is the problem, it always has been and it always will be...unless. 

Unless he can fix it. Bring them to their knees and make them repent. Yes... Yes that sounded like a lovely idea. He would grow stronger. He would learn to pretend, to be harmless, unassuming, and when everyone is comfortable, he would strike. 

A wolf in sheep's clothing, if you will.

Hiding, lurking, watching. Always watching, always planning. Preparing like a true ninja would. 


It's all coming together... It's making sense, so much sense he feels like he's slowly going insane. Nothing ever had made so much sense before. Nothing ever would. How could he be so foolish, yet come up with an ingenious idea? 

He couldn't tell you. Even if he knew, he wouldn't tell you. 

He had made up his mind, a very dangerous thing for him to do; considering he never went back on his word. Going back on his word was like purposely taking a kunai to the stomach.  Painful.

He knew what he was going to do. Naruto Uzumaki would become a ninja of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. 

But how would he begin? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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