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This will be a mystical AU where the head clans represent a mystical being or object. They have powers according to there mystical being/object. Hybrids are the rarest as there has only been 2 other hybrids. On to the special....

First day of
Konoha Mystic High:

Konoha Mystic High, a school that schools young mystics to harness their mythical. About a thousand years ago there was a god, he decided to have nine humans carry the burden of mystics. The Nara who carried the Peyton, a deer body and head with the wings of a angel.
The Yamanaka, the Transum, a mind reader.
The Hyuuga, a Triops, a three eyed being, while they don't Physically have three eyes they have a third eye.
Aburme, Scorpious, a gigantic scorpion that slays evil.
Akamichi, Vahara, a boar headed avatar, it's stronger when they've eaten.
Uchiha, fire salamander, a lizard like creature that breathes fire and has a cloak of fire.
Inuzuka, werewolves, they can have wolf like qualitys and can fully shift whenever is needed, also has a close relationship with K9s.
Senju, Earthman, had the power to use resurrection and grow plants.
Namikaze, elemental dragon, not only does it fly at speeds faster than the mythical eye can see, it has the power of earth, air, fire, water, ice, and lightning, usually a Namikaze gets two or three, on a rare occasion more.
Uzumaki, nine tailed fox, a fox with tremendous power in all elements with rapid healing, super strength, communication with any living creature, and a master of seals. The main branch has direct power because the none tailes settles inside of the head of the uzumaki clan.
People that aren't part of a clan usually are helpers to the mystics called mysterial. They usually have traits of healing and lending their own strength.

Naruto POV

I wasn't allowed to show my mystic. So I pretended I didn't have one. It hurt knowing that if I had told everyone I was a hybrid, that they'd all love and adore me. I was bullied every day, even by the
mysterial. I wanted to kill them. They beat me, and made sure to never let me eat. Including my so called 'friends' Sasuke and Sakura.
Sasuke decided to fool around with Sakura because she was easy. He knew he couldn't have a serious relationship with her because the uchiha were strict. Only allowed to marry there own bloodline. Like many of the clans.
I was tired of it. Today was the first day of senior year. I was 18 and could make my own decisions. No more stupid me. I would show what I was proudly. A nine tailed fox ,dragon hybrid.
My parents had been killed for having me, but kept me safe by giving me to baa-chan.
I shook my head. I had to get ready. Walking into my closet I pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans, a white crop top with red flames on it that sad nine on the back, and SWAT boots. I decided not to spike up my hair today and leave it down.
I put in Planchette earrings and the necklace baa-chan gave me and went outside. I let out my wings that were different shades of red and seemed to glow. I spread my wings before taking off at speeds that surely messed up my hair.

When I landed at school everybody was staring at me. Sakura had her jaw dropped, as did a lot of people, and Sasuke had his eyes wide while calculating something then smirking.
"Hey Naruto! Come hang out with us! " He said. I looked him dead in the eye.
"No." Then I walked over to ino, choji, shikamaru, hinata, kiba, and shino.
"Hey guys. " I spoke. I looked at there reactions. They were pretty much the same except for shino and hinata had wide eyes and shikamaru had a blush on his face. I heard him mumble a troublesome before directing his gaze on the floor. They asked me questions, like,
"What your mystic? " And
"why did you hide it? "
I told them why I had hidden myself but told them everything else would be explained in class.
The bell rang and we all went to class. This year we had almost every class together.
"Good morning class. I'm Kakashi Hatake and I'm going to be your reading/common mystic teacher. I want you all to tell me your name and your parents name then what Mystic you are. If you'd like to share your parents mystic then be my guest. " He said. He told us that he was kinda like a inuzuka but minus the Werewolf part his mother was an inuzuka and his father a strength lending mysterial.
Then went the students. It was mandatory to do this every year. I already knew more than 3/4 of the students and their stories. So I just blocked them out. There was a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see the entire class looking at me.
"We should just skip him Kakashi sensei, he's a waste of time, nothing special! " Sakura screeched. I smirked.
"Hello, my name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. My mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki and Minito Namikaze. My mother was the head of the Uzumaki clan Meaning that she had the direct power of the nine tales. My father was head of the Namikaze clan he was a dragon Mystic. I am both fox and dragon. Not only that but I'm also clan head of two clans. Nice you meet you. " I said before sitting down.
Everybody was wide eyed. Kakashi sensei had a look of nostalgia.
It shouldn't be surprising. He was basically my brother. Kakashi called for the attention of the class. I sat with a smirk. When everybody continued to say their information, I started to talk to kurama.
Hey kurama!
Good morning kit. How are you today?
I'm fine. I wanted to ask how you thing sparing is going to go?
You'll do fine, because you have me!
Haha you're so cocky.
No I'm just confident!

Natuto OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now