Chapter 21: the aftermath

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The others make their way back to the fishing village where they run into Lucian who is in the midst of coordinating the search for survivors.

You're alive... how bad is it?

I'm so relieved that you're all alright. We lost almost half... it would have been much worse if it weren't for commander Thalos and Danir.

Kalea starts walking towards where towards the infirmary.

Duty calls.

Kaitlyn grabs Liram's hand and follows her.

We'll help.

Brix nudges Kian.

Let's go see if we can't help with cleaning up the streets.

Good idea.

Lucian shakes his head.

You really don't know the meaning of rest, do you?

Cassidy emerges and shakes her head.

It's not in our nature. We have to set an example, why else would the people follow us.

Well said your highness. Where's Celis? Don't tell me that she...?

Don't worry, she's fine. She's arranging supplies from her city.

Really? Will they just follow her, no questions asked?

When we were in the city the people looked very unhappy. Now that the king is gone and they're presented with a positive alternative, maybe that's enough to spark hope amongst them.

Clay jumps into the conversation.

Excuse me for interrupting, but why is there a massive crater where the main square used to be?

Lucian grows silent and looks down at the prompting Cassidy to grow concerned.

What aren't you telling us Lucian?

Suddenly they're interrupted.

I can explain that...


Cassidy immediately gives him a hug.

I'm happy to see that you're alright.

Same goes for you, I was worried. That crater is why we survived, it allowed us to escape. There were so many of them... we had to resort to drastic measures.

It sure looks drastic, what did you do?

Together with the archers from the ancient tree and the crystal launchers we managed to keep the army at bay, but that lasted only for a while. They started to use the bodies to climb the walls, forcing us to change our tactics. The commander and Lucian defended the walls, but taking down reavers is a tall order for regular soldier. We realized that falling back was our only option, otherwise we would've slowly been whittled down. The commander stalled the reavers while Lucian led the evacuation. Meanwhile I gathered all of the crystals that we were using as ammunition for the launchers at the town square. Fires were set to buy time for the remaining soldiers to escape onto the ships. The commander made sure that the reavers could only pursue us down the main street and the square. But when the time came to light the fuse, something went wrong and the commander he...

Pain and sadness are visible on Danir's face.

The explosion wiped out most of the reavers instantly, the others we're incapacitated by the shockwave. It's because of his sacrifice that were still alive.

Cassidy wipes the tears from his cheeks.

That shockwave gave me the energy I needed to win my fight, his sacrifice will go down through generations and will never be forgotten.

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