Chapter 11: journey further west

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The next morning they assemble in front of the palace where some of the citizens have gathered to see them off. Lucian approaches them.

I wish I could go with you princess...

I know you do Lucian, but the people need your leadership to keep them safe and to help with the rebuild.

I won't disappoint you.

I know, we'll do our best to find a way to put a stop to whatever awaits us to the west.

Several hours of walking later they arrive at a massive ravine. Cassidy walks to the edge and looks down but she can't see the bottom.

This must be the great chasm my mom was talking about, my ancestor created it in an attempt to prevent an invasion.

Created it?

She channeled all of her power and tore the continent in two with a massive ray of light, I saw it in a vision when I made contact with the crystal.

Brix looks at her with his eyebrows raised.

Are you telling me that one person did this? And you have the power to do that?!

I don't know... maybe one day, certainly not right now.

Meanwhile Kalea takes a look down into the ravine.

How are we going to cross this?

I could fly you all over, but I doubt that I could carry Brix... no offense.

Liram taps Clay on the shoulder.

The reavers got to our side so there must be a way to cross, I suggest we walk along the ravine until we find it.

I agree, if the enemy made it across then there has to be a way.

After walking for an hour they see a bridge in the distance. They decide to use the forest as cover and hide in the shrubbery to observe the bridge before making their plan of attack.

Brix returns after a short while with some fire wood.

Time for dinner, I'll start a fire.

Kalea stops him.

Oh no you won't! A fire would stand out too much, we're trying to hide.

Right... sorry, my brain stops working when my stomach is empty.

Here, have some dried meat. I swear, sometimes it feels like I'm taking care of a child.

The rest of the group laughs at their back and forth.

For the rest of the evening they take turns observing the comings and goings at the bridge to find a good moment to cross.

Clay gets up and makes his way to the edge of the forest to go take Liram's place.

Anything so far?

Nothing at all, they're still just standing guard without moving much. There's a big one that shows up from time to time, he seems to be the leader.

Clay takes a seat next to her and lets out a sigh which catches Liram's attention.

Is something bothering you?

As much as I want to avenge my father, crossing the bridge means there's going to be another fight. And believe it or not, I don't enjoy violence. Even when my father took me hunting, I hated hurting or killing the animals. But if we didn't do it then we didn't have enough food so that's how I justified it to myself. Same way I justify killing the reavers, to protect others. Violence doesn't come naturally to me, not like you.

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