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YN's P.O.V

I don't know for what they are doing this. I didn't knew where to go but i was sure they are coming behind. My feets trembled thinking of worse and i automatically ran to that certain spot..

Once i reached there i instantly covered my mouth in order to prevent any sounds. My legs kept shaking as i hear some noises coming from the stairs making my heartbeat fasten.

Soon there was silence. I silently peeked from the wall to make sure there was no one. Once i saw it was empty i released the breath i was holding.i sat folding my knees upto my chest looking at the sky.

Author's P.O.V

After a few moments of sitting her tears made their way out. "spoiled brats!" she fumed and a sob escaped her lips.

"He deserved more than a slap."
She muttered and just sitting there, she kept staring at the grey clouds, the weather became windy.

All of a sudden her mind reflected jungkook's face. She remembered the way he looked at her. With no emotion. For some reasons she expected him to help her. But its her fault to keep her hopes too high, this may be a good reminder for her.

"I think i am born with bad luck, i never find friends everywhere i go."
She said and her eyes moistened once again. Her own words hurted her, but maybe this was the truth.

"i should not have keep my hopes high.." she wiped her tears until she felt some movement behind her, it was obvious that it's jungkook so she just sat their not glancing at him but then it hitted, it was his hiding spot, she is not supposed to be here.

She stood up to leave when his faint voice interrupts,"why are you leaving?" she still didn't looked at him.

"i am not supposed to be at your hiding spot." says her taking another step but her steps halted when he says.

"but its ours now isn't it?"
She looks over him confusingly but a shocked and inaudiable gasp left her mouth looking at him. She immediately crouched down to him looking at his bleeding knuckles, and scratches on his face and arm with his uniform being dusty.

She hears someone shouting so she peeked in the backyard and saw min-jae lying on the ground with his face almost unrecognizable.

"hey! Help me pick him up, fast!" a boy said trying to pick him up. I turned around to face jungkook with my eyes widen in shock, he smiled in a vicious way .

"You were right babe he deserved more than a slap."

Everything felt so unreal my heart thumped loudly, i couldn't utter a single word but when my eyes gazed at his wounds i felt really bad because somehow i was the reason bahind his wounds.

Taking out the ointment he gave me and applied it on his wounds. One of his scratch was bleeding so i took out my mint colored cotton handkerchief.

"wait here, i'll get it wet." i said, with the wet handkerchief, i cleaned his wounds and applied ointment on it.

Author's P.O.V

She lightly blows on the wound while applying ointment."D-don't call me that again.." she siad backing away once she was done.

"call you what?"

Says him gazing at her face admirimg her pink flushed cheeks. She looked away" don't call me that be-cause.." she paused fidgeting her


"uhm my brother will hang you upside down if he gets to know.."
Jeon chuckled tilting his head, his dark brown hairs covered his glossy eyes,which hided a lot of secrets.
YN looks at him confusingly.

"why? Isn't it good?"
He asked smirking while she shakes her head side to side without saying further he ruffles her hairs,leaving her flustered and shocked once again with his actions.

Next day

YN's P.O.V

It was our maths class. The teacher was explaining something when he paused and said "students i forgot to tell you that there will be a maths test during your last class as it's with me..
Results will be announced tomorrow."

He stated as all the students whine at his statement. After our classes were over, it was the last period gosh.
I was still shocked about everything that happened earlier but at the same time i was relieved that min-jae and other bullies with him were punished.

I wasn't ready for the test and had so many doubts so i asked jungkook to help me and oh how good and swiftly he explains, the way his hands gesture as he tells me everything, asking me if i understood or not.

Jungkook was indeed really perfect in  most of the activities as far as i know.
I mentally facepalmed myself as i didn't knew when i started to think such things.

My mind got lost and i kept staring at him trying my best not to make him nervous or akward.

"are there any doubts in this question?"
I came out from my world, "uh no no it's clear now, thanks jungkook." i thanked him smiling in a polite way.
"Mention not." he smiled winking a tiny wink at me, and my heart really stopped for a second.

My cheeks turn a little hot as i turn away my face from him nodding my head not being able to hold the eye contact.The teacher arrived as he starts to distribute test papers. I took a deep breathe wishing myself the best.

"ok everyone, start." he says as everyone flipped their sheets and started. There were a few questions that went abover my head but i was sure atleast i am not gonna fail, i can do maths better maybe but i just don't have interest in it.

Our sheets were submitted and i was really tensed and nervous about the results. I was on my way back home, the weather was a bit chilly.

Next day

Author's P.O.V

YN prays silently that teacher dosen't beats the drum and announces the results out loud. One by one everyone got their marksheets and as expected the teacher loved to say the results out loud.

"Min YN" he says and she raised her hand standing, making her way to collect her marksheet, YN gulps feeling nervous.
"39 out of 50." he said looking at her before speaking further. "Good, i hope you can do better next time."
He stated handing her the marksheet.
"yes, i'll do. Thank you." she says happily and went back to her desk.

"i am happy i got 39, thanks for clearing my doubts jungkook." she chirped making jungkook smile.
"it was your hardwork, i am hapy for you."

"Choi Soobin!"
The teacher calls out a certain name a lil loudly as his tone of voice changes
"8. out of, 50." he announces turning everyone's attention to the certain boy, walking slowly to collect his marksheet.

*•.¸ to be continue¸.•*

Sorry updating late ,
By the way i really missed you guys.🥺♡

• ̀ω•́ 

Stay tuned

See  you all

Byeee teokkies🫶🏻

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