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Username: @GraveyardSiren
Name: Jason [Morrigan is also acceptable along side Cynedyr and Samhain]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: really sad brother who enjoys listening to people infodump about things they like
Personality: Very moody/gloomy
Looks: Dark brown hair, very pale, grey eyes with gold specks in them. Dresses in dark colors with a very Gothic style. very short--only about 5'0"
What gender attracted to: Aro-ace spec (greyromantic asexual + also panromantic, so attracted to people regardless of gender--main preference is women though.)
Any diagnoses: Oh boy... there's a lot...
ADHD, autism, OCD, depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.
Other things: Autistic special interests are in world history and foreign language.

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