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Carlisle and Esme had decided to take a step back. They had noticed something in Daria that they hadn't in the others.

Of course they knew that there were certain thing they had to account and be prepared for with newborns, Daria seemed to be a certain exception.

While the others may have been angry and sometimes unable to be spoken to, Daria seemed to have taken it a step further. Of course they had expected her emotions to be heightened and jump from happy to sad or anger. For her to not understand everything. To be scared and curious at the same time.

But Daria was different.

It seemed as if she loathed this life. As if she had wanted to die and was angry that they had saved her. She didn't want to know anything about this new life, not really. Her emotions seemed to go in an instant and sometimes it seemed as if she didn't feel anything. There was so much anger inside of her.

"Okay, so I just grab it." Rosalie tries her best not to smile as Daria stands in front of her, uncomfortable by her surroundings and their mission.

Daria had never hunted before but she had to. They weren't going to force her, but the bags had almost been done for so they had asked her. They had given her time to think it over, no pressure.

They had seen how awful it was for her to adjust to this new life. But she was slowly adjusting. Two weeks had gone by easily and she had been doing wonderful.

She had been working out with Emmett and Jasper every morning to (try to atleast) get her anger out. It worked sometimes and sometimes there didn't seem to be any anger. Mostly they were training her to be able to fight, and she was picking it up really quick. Emmett and Jasper didn't tell her, but they told Rosalie and she was very pleased. At least she would be able to defend herself.

Daria had taken up a new hobby, painting, and though she was horrible at it. She didn't give up and sat down for it, a few hours a day. She tried every day to paint the woods with the glorious sunrise but every single time, it seemed to pass by without her being able to catch it.

Because of her working out and her ability to focus on something for so long, they thought that maybe, just maybe, she was ready to go hunting. And she was, but only with the person she trusted most. The person whose dead heart fluttered at the answer.

"Stand still." Rosalie says as she grabs Daria's shoulders. Daria purses her lips but does as she is told. "Close your eyes." Rosalie takes a step closer and leans in towards Daria's ear. "What do you hear?"

Daria could tell her that she heard every piece of long blonde hair that Rosalie had styled, but swished along the navy blue nylon winter coat. Or she could say that she could hear every short breath that Rosalie was inhaling.

"The leaves falling of the trees." Daria's voice soft. "The little creek just up ahead."

"What do you smell?" Rosalie asks softly.

You. Daria wanted to answer. Your peppermint breath and your heavy perfume. The shampoo you used last night and the foam that you used for yourself. The laundry detergent that Esme uses for your clothes specifically because they always smell like

"An animal?" She answers as she peeks through her eyelids. There was a faint smell of something and she couldn't identify what. It closely resembled the smell of their old dog.

"Precisely." Rosalie turns Daria around and looks her straight in the eyes. "It's a bear. Are you ready to go for it?" She softly asks and Daria nods slowly. Somehow she got in some sort of trance whenever Rosalie was around and she didn't know if she minded it. "Just follow my lead, okay?" Daria nods and Rosalie turns around.

As Rosalie starts to run at an inhumane speed, Daria easily follows her closely. Her eyes connected to the way that Rosalie's golden hair was swaying in the wind. The elder vampire turns around to see if Daria is okay, and Daria nods again slowly, with her mouth slightly open. She couldn't remember if she had seen anything more beautiful than who was in front of her. The way that she turned her head to look at her, concern fully visible on her face. Her golden hair as a frame around her beautiful face.

Suddenly Rosalie stops and holds out an arm so that Daria doesn't rush by her. Both of them crouch down and Rosalie nods her head over to the right. A brown bear was walking around, clearly agitated that it was woken up from its hibernation. What woke up the bear? Daria mouths to Rosalie but the latter shrugs. That wasn't their problem, they simply had to feed.

"So now what?" Daria inches a little closer to Rosalie and if vampires could blush, Rosalie would've been bright red right now. "Do I-.." Daria turns her head just as Rosalie does and Daria's question keeps hanging in the air as they notice how close their faces are.

"You had a question?" Rosalie softly asks, her voice a deep tone that Daria hadn't heard before. Once again Daria nods slowly.

"What do I do now?" Rosalie's eyes flicker towards Daria's mouth as she talks.

"You let your instincts take control." Daria purses her lips and her mind goes a thousand miles an hour but she can only think of one solution.

Her hand reaches behind Rosalie's head and she brings both their heads together just close enough for their lips to slightly touch. Rosalie pushes her lips against Daria's just a little harder, she had wanted this since she had seen Daria at school. The latter holds her hand in Rosalie's hair but her other hand slowly makes its way to Rosalie's back. Rosalie's soft noise gives Daria more confidence.

A loud roar is heard and they both stop what they're doing, soft gasps leave their mouths as they realise what they were doing and smiles appear on their lips as they realise what they were doing.

"I should probably get that bear?" Daria asks and Rosalie chuckles.

"I'm right behind you." Daria chuckles.

"Don't look at my ass." She says right before she runs towards the bear.

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