Soup For Your Thoughts?

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Lin Faced away from his sister who was sitting on her bed. Anger was clear on his face. "No, Leyley." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh come on! When did you become such a whiney bitch?" Leyley asked, crossing her arms.

"Maybe when you and Andy-....- our friend?" Lin questioned, looking over at Leyley with a piercing glare.

"You're still going on about that?"Leyley asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"Still thinking about it? ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT!" Lin yelled angrily, glaring at her.

"HEY! No need to yell." Leyley said with an annoyed look.

The sound of a door being opened got their attention, looking over, it seemed the third had decided to check up on the commotion.

"Why are you yelling?" He asked, causing Lin to roll his eyes.

"None of your business." Lin walked for the door, attempting to push past his brother.

"Not yet. Tell me why you were yelling." He said, stopping Lin by extending his arm.

"Get your arm out of my way Andy." Lin said, glancing up at Andy's eyes. A glare reached his soft eyes.

"You need to calm down." Andy said, but Lin had none of it. 

"Piss off Andy," Lin said, attempting to push past again. "I'm not in the mood."

Andy let Lin pass, a Sad knowing look on his face, She and Lin had been the closest of them all. He would take it the hardest.

"I'm not done talking to you!" Leyley finally said, pushing herself off her bed and following after Lin.

You wake up.

Lin sighed, sitting up from the couch he had been forced to sleep on for the last few months. He heard the sound of a bag crinkling.

Pushing himself to lay at the edge as the upper half of his body hung over the couch, Lin watched Ashley dig through a trash bag, a few seconds later had Ashley looked up at Lin, an eyebrow raised.

"What?" She asked, glaring at Lin.

Lin rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he pushed himself up and tea he'd for the remote for the TV.

The Remotes dead.

Lin groaned, letting the back of his head hit the cushion as he looked at the horribly dirty floor.

This had started around three months ago. When Lin and his two other siblings were said to have "Parasites". These "Parasites" Were so deadly or something they had to be quarantined. Along with every other person in the building. Around 3 weeks ago, they had stopped being given food. And had to make do with what little they had. Filling their stomachs with salt water and not much else these days.

Lin groaned as his stomach groaned once again. God how he hoped they would get food or something fast. He was willing to eat about anything now.

When Lin glanced over at Ashley, only to find her not there, and some trash laid out on the floor.

Lin looked away from the trash and back to the blank TV, picking up the trash would waste energy he didn't have to spare.

Lin soon heard the footsteps of his sister as she walked back into the living room. Then she walked over to the stove and turned it on.

"Caught between the tides of pain and rapture" TCOAAL X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now