Memory Lanes A Bitch.

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A much younger Lin sat at a desk. His face was clean of scars, and practically a spitting image of Leyley.  He wore baggy pants and a loose-fitting striped shirt, with a black chocker with a small bell outfitted on him.

Lin's face was blank, and he looked down, spinning a pencil between his fingers.

The sound of footsteps brings his eyes up. As he looks at one of his friends.

"Hey Lin" She says, a smile crossing her face. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail, her face scribbled over, having long since been forgotten. 

"Hey -.  -" Lin says, giving -.  - a smile. "Are you looking for leyley?"

"Nope." She says, crossing her arms behind her and smiling at him.

"Oh," Lin says, looking to the side, brainstorming of reasons why -.  - wanted to talk to him.

He was by no means close with the girl. The only time he ever really spoke to her was when Leyley had been the topic. Or when he got dragged along with Leyley to some stupid bullshit that she had set up.

"...Did you need to say something to me?" Lin asked, looking over at -.  -

"Bingo!" She says, giving a small smile and a chuckle.

"..." Lin stared at her for a second. His eyes were piercing and emotionless. "Well, what did you want to say?"

"..." She started back into Lin's eyes, them feeling like they were a void of emptiness.

"I..." She started, looking away from The Eyes that had captivated her. "I like you..." She said quietly. A blush covered her features.

"You... Like me?" The words left his mouth with a sense of surprise and he raised a brow.

"Y-Yeah..." She said, a smile gracing her soft features. "And I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to... Hang out sometime?"

Lin didn't say anything, his brain forming up a response and throwing it away as quickly as it had come up with it.

"I-" Lin started, he hadn't expected this. He never did. None of the books he read or movies he watched ever told him how to deal with situations like this.

"I guess..." He said, looking off to the side.

-.  - squealed. She wrapped her arms around him as she leaned over the desk. A smile on her face. "Oh we're gonna have so much fun!"

It was slow, but his arms wrapped around her as well. Pulling her in as he laid his face into her neck.

And for the first time ever. He felt an emotion. A real emotion for someone who wasn't his sibling. It bloomed from his heart like wildfire. His veins carry it through the body.

She pulled back, smiling at Lin, to which he returned. And she made off for her desk.

As the bell rang, Leyley walked in. Her eyes scanned the area as she walked. A book under her arm. She walked by Lin, sitting at the desk beside his. And glanced over at his desk.

The desk had a few hearts drawn on it. With Lin in the process of making another.

Leyley raised an eyebrow. She got a glance from her twin, who offered her a smile.

'What's got him in such a good mood?' She thought, her eyes drifting down at the hearts.

It's now dark outside. The school was empty as crickets sounded off in the foliage outside.

At the graves apartment. Lin was sitting on the couch. His eyes were glued to the TV as he watched a movie.

It was a romance movie, a boy being swept off his feet by a girl was all Lin could get off it. But despite it, he still watched the romance with calculating eyes.

"Caught between the tides of pain and rapture" TCOAAL X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now