Chapter 22: Dropletism

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



Hundreds of steps from the memory I would die to forget. I left my worried self from the height of the bridge after what happened. Irritation must've replaced adrenaline in me. The entire incident of my backpack falling and the event with Sage and Rijo hung in the air as we walked into the forest. The mishap on the bridge created tension and clouded the spaces between us.

Ms. Aelyza shared intriguing trivias about the local flora and fauna in an effort to keep the excursion's atmosphere alive. But our group dynamic had changed, and the uneasy stillness that had accompanied our early stroll had replaced our sense of camaraderie.

Walking beside me was Rijo, who kept saying how sorry he was about what happened. "I should have let him take it. Now, I feel terrible," he said. "No, I don't just feel terrible, I seriously should've not let that happen. I mean, it's totally not fine. You have things that've been thrown off."

I have things that've been thrown off. It'll just get me depressed if I let my mind think there were once clothes in that bag. Not to mention the only clothes I packed.

In a bid to lighten the mood, I reassured Rijo, saying, "It's okay, Rijo. It was just a bag. I can replace the things inside." Even still, the experience left us with a bad taste in our mouths, and the forest's vivid colors looked pale in contrast. It's still Sage's fault if you'll see it in every angle, yet Rijo insisted he's at fault.

After a few more steps, Ms. Aelyza yelled to tell we'd arrived at our destination—a stunning waterfall cascading from the cliffs overhead—as we got closer to a clearing. The sound of the water rushing filled the air, and the scene was breathtaking.

"I'll take a photo of you guys beside the waterfall," Ms. Aelyza offered, trying to cheer everyone up. We consented a little too grudgingly, and she took a picture of our serious expressions against the imposing waterfall. One shot with another.

"Didn't you have a backpack, Helio...? Oh, right! Did Rijo carry it for you? Mhmm!?" Her voice was mixed with a slight tease and for whatever reason she did that.

"The water carried it, unfortunately," with sarcasm on the tip of my tongue.

"What do you mean?" She asked, I didn't answer. I left to hope and see something nature that can replace what just happened. She then asked Rijo otherwise, "What did he mean?" Rijo only gave her clenched lips.

Everyone went off to explore the region on their own. I found a place to sit and admire nature while observing the water's reflection in the sun. Not bearing the weight of the bag, Rijo came to join me.

I blurted, "It's not your fault, you know," to end the silence.

With a downcast eyes evident on his face across every deep sighs, Rijo said, "I had better insisted on taking your bag. I didn't expect Sage to be so stubborn."

I bursted, saying, "It's not just about the bag. Sage should have been more considerate. It's his fault for letting his ego ruin the trip for everyone, or at least for me... and you, also," frustration bubbling up.

We sat there thinking about what had happened for a time after Rijo nodded in agreement.

"Want coffee?" He offered. I would look at his offer as a way to light up the mood, which he was successful to do so. And so I nodded and beamed seamlessly.

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