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Bada's POV

As the sunlight streamed through the white curtains, my eyes gradually adjusted to the waking world. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and took a moment to absorb my surroundings. Two pressing realizations hit me almost simultaneously.

Firstly, the bed I was in was exceptionally soft, prompting an immediate desire to inquire about its origin. This led me to my second realization: I had no clue where I was. The unfamiliar room certainly wasn't my own bedroom.

I rose from the bed, scanning the room for my belongings—bag and shoes. Spotting my phone on the nightstand brought a sigh of relief, but my bag and shoes were nowhere in sight.

Picking up my phone, I attempted a stealthy exit towards the door, hoping not to draw attention. However, just as I reached the door, it swung open, causing me to tense in anticipation of being caught.

"Oh, you're awake. Come down, let's have breakfast," GG greeted with a smile before turning back toward the stairs.

Frozen in shock, I followed her downstairs, stopping at the bottom to marvel at the apartment's interior. GG, noticing my pause, rolled her eyes and ushered me to the dining area.

My attention was immediately captivated by the stack of pancakes awaiting me at the table. GG seated me at a chair with the pancakes before passing me the chocolate syrup.

"You finally gave me an excuse to use the kitchen," she remarked, prompting me to halt in pouring the chocolate syrup.

"Did you just make a reference to Twilight?" I inquired, pausing with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"You've watched Twilight?"She asked looking amused.

"Who hasn't?" I responded to her then started eating.

"Smart and lucky people" I nodded in agreement to her words.

After finishing our meal, GG instructed me to wait in the sitting room while she fetched some clothes for me to wear. During this brief wait, the realization struck me that as leaders, we had practice for the remaining choreography and then had to head to the location for the music video shoot.

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