1.Should I remind you who I am?

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                       Gideon pov

I threw the fifth cigarette on the ground trampling it with my foot. I stared at the lights outside the building, that motherf*cker had written his name in the lights "Dani's". To add gasoline to my fury the music was so loud that it could be heard outside. I pulled my gun from my waist and put it into Gabriel's jaw, pulling him by the collar of his well ironed white shirt.
"Remind me again why are we here!" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"I'm sorry boss." He gulped, closing his eyes waiting for the bullet to enter his head. That was the thing that I admired most about Gabriel, and that's why he was my right arm. Even when he made mistakes he never begged for his life to be spared, he never crawled. He expected to hear the noise of the gun and take the bullet like a man. I let him go, putting the gun inside.
"Let's go find that a**hole and make him pay!" I gave my order, Gabriel and two of my men followed me while I approached the door. The chubby guard there recognized me immediately bowing his head in respect before moving from the way to let us pass through. The noise was louder, the loud music  was making me want to throw up.  Women, women, girls, young girls, revealing parts of their body while shaking their assets and flirting shamelessly.  I kept my head straight, with the corner of my eye I could see the women smiling at me, trying to flirt with me but I ignored them.
Any other day I would gladly give attention to some of them but not at that moment. I was furious with Dani. I barged into his office, he had two girls with him. I shot one of the pots in his office to earn his attention, interrupting their act.
"You two ladies get out." I tried to stay calm, while the ladies took their clothes and ran outside.
"Gideon! My friend you should have knocked!"
The mother*cker thought he would smitten me by acting funny, but it was not funny at all. "I knocked at your pot. Pull your pants on, I don't want to see your small d*ck!" I sat on the chair in front of his desk while the a**hole buckled his belt.
"Now tell me Dani, how is it possible that in the container that came last night there were women amongst the weapons that were supposed to be imported?!" I left my gun on the desk keeping my hand on it.
"Oh, that's why you are here." He let out a breath smiling in relief. Taking the bottle of alcohol and two glasses. 
"You scared the hell out of me man. They are poor women, their families sold them for money. They are worthless, but here I will give them the opportunity to work for me and enjoy life a little bit." He smirked, pleased with what he said like he was doing them a favour. I shot the bottle he had in his hands while pouring the alcohol, the glass exploded in his hands making him bleed.
"What the f*ck man!" He jumped from his chair.
"I thought I was clear when I said I don't approve of women and child trafficking! But it looks like I have to remind you again!" I put my hands on the desk.
"I don't get it why you care so much about those whores!"
"The next bullet I'm gonna shoot it will be inside your mouth if you continue speaking like that! Those women will be under my protection and I will return them to their homes. As for you, I don't want to do bussiness with you anymore. Don't let me see your shitty face appear in front of me!" I spat in anger turning my back to leave his office while  Gabriel opened the door for me.
"You're kidding right? You can't just get me out of the bussiness, we had a deal!" He yelled behind me.
"A deal that you didn't respect." I didn't bother to turn around, taking one step ahead when he shouted again.
"You're not the only one who can make the decission! You won't get me out of the bussiness! I will make you pay! " He started shouting nonsense, pulling his gun at me, Gabriel and my men took out their weapons as well. I turned around slowly, keeping my gun in my waist. I walked towards him like a predator, slowly keeping my eyes at his eyes. I could see the fear in his eyes, he gulped trying to hold the gun with both his hands. The color drained from his face and he widened his eyes in horror knowing what waited for him. I pushed the desk aside standing right in front of him, his gun pointed in my chest. I went closer to his gun until it touched my chest.
"You want to play the hero little Dani? Should I remind you who I am? Should I remind you who you're dealing with?"
I took the gun from his trembling hands and I shot him into his left leg. The motherf*cker cried in pain, his guards came rushing inside with guns pulled at us but I knew none of them would dare to shoot at me. I left his gun on the desk before making my way out of his office.  I took out a cigarette, I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, I hated loud places.
I was ready to shove away  harshly the drunk lady who crashed into me when she raised her head and looked at me in the eye. The whole world stopped and it rewind back. I felt small, like a sand particle, like I had no importance at all, thrown and forgotten at a corner. She blinked her eyes moving her hand in front of her face like trying to make the image disappear from her sight.
"You're not real." Her sweet voice brought to life every feeling that I thought I had killed for her. I could hear her because she was very close to me , she touched my  shoulders until she tried to reach for my face and almost fell in those heels. And me being the idiot that I was I held her by her waist and my hands burned everywhere I touched her.
"Hey are you sure there wasn't alcohol in the drink you gave me?!" She tried to turn around yelling at someone but almost fell again and I pulled her closer to my body.
"Woah, I think I'm gonna fall." She said before she fainted right into my arms. Her forgotten scent played in my nostrils wanting to make her mine for all the times that I imagined she was mine. I took her in my arms bridal style taking her out of there.First, because with whoever she was there must have been drunk as well. Second, because someone may take advantage of her drunken state. And third, because I had missed her like crazy. I laid her in the back seat of the car , giving Gabriel my keys and sitting in the back keeping her head in my chest. She was so fragile, so peaceful. Turned into a woman but not losing her innocence. She was 18 the last time I saw her. Now she must be around 25 and I should hate her for what she did to me. Or she must hate me for what I did to her. Or what I had in plan to do to her.

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