If Only You Knew

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to @Tayler_loves_blue for leaving a comment on the last chapter! :)

Song: The Divine Zero by Pierce The Veil (It has nothing to do with this chapter, but it's been forever since they released anything new and their my favorite band)


"Dude, why don't you sit with us at lunch anymore?" Jay questioned when I saw him in our Biology class later that day. He took his seat next to me and gave me a confused look. I had been sitting with Cameron the last few days.

"I've been sitting with this girl in my English class," I explained vaguely. It was pretty obvious that Cameron and her friends were not people the team would approve of. Almost all my new friends had girlfriends and they all looked Barbies with their perfect hair and makeup.

"Yeah, I saw. That chick's weird, man. You should really stay away from her," he advised as if Cameron was the most disgusting thing ever. To be honest, I took personal offense to his tone. I know Cameron and I had only known each for a few days, but she was honestly one of the nicest people I had ever met. Just because she didn't dress like everyone else didn't mean she was a bad person.

"She's really nice," I argued. I had always found it annoying when people judged others based off the way they looked. I was automatically the jerk jock. Cameron was automatically the weird girl who might worship the devil. It was all a bit too extreme for me.

"Yeah, but have you seen the way she dresses. You'd think she's going to a funeral everyday," he insisted. There he went with the stereotypes. I wanted to let out a groan, but I managed to suppress it.

"She's cool, man. Really," I repeated. What was he going to do if I ever worked up the nerve to ask her out? I was thinking about seeing if she wanted to do something this weekend, but the thought of it made me want to puke.

"Whatever, dude. You know, Ally's been looking for you. She was pretty upset that you didn't sit with us again today," he told me, raising his eyebrows. Ally was a cheerleader and I swear she had a huge crush on me. To be honest, she was possibly the most annoying person I had ever met. Her voice was unnecessarily high pitched and she would not leave me alone.

Thankfully, the bell rang before I could respond. He probably thought I liked Ally back. I did try to be nice to her, but I absolutely couldn't stand her. The next few classes went slowly, but finally the last bell rang and I started to make my way to my car. As I walked out to the student parking lot, I spotted Cameron waiting on the front steps.

"Hey," I greeted when she spotted me. She gave me a warm smile. "Waiting for Luke and Alex?" I guessed. I knew they usually walked home together. She was about to respond when I her phone lit up in her hand.

"Well, I was waiting for Luke because Alex went home early, but it looks like Luke went home with Jake," she responded after reading something on her phone that I was guessing was a text. She let out a sigh and adjusted the strap of her backpack.

"I can give you a ride so you don't have to walk alone," I suggested, hoping she would agree. The car ride to her house would be the perfect time to ask her if she wanted to go out this weekend. My stomach turned just thinking about it, but if I wanted this to go anywhere, I would have to make a move eventually.

"No, I don't mind walking," she responded, shaking her head. I could tell she just didn't want to inconvenience me. Little did she know those few minutes would probably be the best of my day.

"I really don't mind," I insisted. I took out my car keys. Even though junior year had just started and most kids only had their permits, I had a summer birthday so I had just gotten my license.

"Um...ok," she finally agreed. We then headed to my car. I unlocked the doors with my sweaty palms and we hopped in. There was a moment of silence where my brain was racing. What if she says no? What if she rejects me? Just fucking ask her!

"So, Cameron..."


"So, Cameron, uh, would you, uh, maybe want to, uh, go do something this weekend?" Elliott stammered. Wait, was he asking me out on a date? Was a jock actually interested in me? I mean, he had some cheerleader chick hanging on his every word, so why would he ask me out? But there he was, his cheeks slightly pink, his eyes avoiding mine.

"Um, yeah, that sounds cool, but I have band practice on Saturday. We'll probably be done by, like, six or something," I rambled, realizing that I had let my nerves get the best of me. I tended to talk way too fast and give way too information when I was anxious.

"That sounds fine. I have football practice anyway. So, I could pick you up around 6:30," he responded. He seriously looked so relieved that I could tell he thought I would say no, which was stupid. I really liked him

"That sounds great," I replied. "Oh, make a right here," I directed, remembering that he didn't know how to get to my house. I could feel a smile appearing on my face.

All too soon, we pulled up in front of my house and got out of his car, which I was pretty impressed with. It was no Lamborghini, but it was pretty nice for a seventeen-year-old kid. To be honest, it kind of made me embarrassed that he was seeing my house though. We didn't live in a shack or anything, but he probably had some mansion that made my house look like a mouse hole.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ride," I told him before shutting the door and walking up to my house.

"Who was that who dropped you off, love?" my mom asked when I had opened the front door. I wanted to let out a groan, but I suppressed it.

"Just some guy in my English class," I explained, hoping she wouldn't ask too many questions. Her eyes had lit up with excitement of me finding a new friends. I still had no idea why was always wanted me to make more friends. She had always been a quiet kid, too, so she knew what it was like to just want to keep to yourself.

"A guy?" my dad questioned, suddenly sounding alert. Even though I was almost seventeen, he was still pretty overprotective. I guess I would always be always be his little girl.

"Um, yeah. You guys don't mind if we go out Saturday, right?" I replied, avoiding their eyes. I could already predict the questions my mom would ask and the way she would respond to this.

"Oh, this is so exciting. You're going on a date," Mom gushed, giving me a big smile. I knew she would overreact. I loved her and all, but sometimes

"We gotta meet this guy," Dad announced. I could tell by the look in his eyes that his mind was racing with possibilities. He probably was thinking of all the terrible things that could happen. He had a tendency to overanalyze things especially when it came to me. I knew it was just because he loved me, though.

"God, calm down, Dad. He said he'd pick me up, so you can meet him then," I told him even though I really did not want him to meet Elliott. He probably wouldn't like him because of the way he looked. In any other circumstance he would probably be nice to someone like Elliott, but he would come up with any excuse for me not to have a boyfriend. He was your typical overprotective father.

Despite everything, I was still really excited about Saturday. Besides English class, my time with Elliott was limited and usually spent with my friends as well. I couldn't wait to spend some time alone with him. It would also be nice not to get to talk to him one on one.

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