I Will Fight

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to darkpassenger_ for leaving a nice comment on the last chapter!

Song: Fight by Icon For Hire


    The next day I was waiting for Luke so we could go to lunch together when I spotted Brittany. I suppressed a groan as I realized she was headed my way. Why did she have to go out of her way to bully me? What came out of it?

    "Waiting for Emo junior?" she questioned, a smirk perched on her perfectly painted lips. God, she irked my soul. She was literally the worst person I had ever met. "Ally told me you're hanging out with Elliott a lot," she told me when I didn't respond to her first question. Why she was bring this up was beyond me.

    "What's it any of your business?" I replied with disgust. She hated me so much, but she insisted on keeping tabs on me: it made no sense. Well, if she made sense, she would just leave Alex, Luke, Jake and me alone, but she didn't do that either.

    "You know he doesn't like you, right?" she continued. I let out a sarcastic laugh at her words. She acted like she knew more about our relationship that I did.

    "How do you know that?" I asked. He sure did act funny for someone who didn't like me. She obviously didn't know what the hell she was talking about. He would have asked me out or kissed me if he didn't like me.

    "Ally said he was flirting with her while they were working on that project yesterday," she explained. Ally and Brittany could say the sky was blue and I wouldn't believe it.

    "Sure he was," I muttered. I knew Brittany was just trying to get to me. He hadn't seemed to fond of Ally yesterday in the car. Ally was probably just hoping Elliott would flirt with her. To be honest, she probably hadn't even said anything about Elliott. Brittany probably made it up to get me angry.

    "He did, but even if he didn't, he wouldn't like you. You are a disgusting, ugly piece of shit that no one could ever love," she insisted with a cruel smirk on her face. With my low self-esteem, I had to admit that her words stung, but I tried not to let my true feelings show through.

    "And you're an annoying bitch who no one would ever love," I countered with my own smirk. How anyone could put up with her was beyond me and I knew even if I didn't love myself the way I should that I was a better person than her.

    Well, apparently my words bothered her a little more than her words had hurt me because the next thing I knew the palm of her hand came into contact with my cheek. Anger filled my body and I felt my mind take over. She was such a bitch. She deserved all the pain the world could give her. I was about to punch her in the boob when Elliott came running up to us and reality came crashing. He stood in between my worst enemy and me and I had to stop my fist from finishing the punch. "Come on," was he said before dragging me away from the blonde bitch.

    "What was that all about?" he asked once Brittany was out of earshot. He put his arms around me in an attempt to calm me down. It actually worked, too. I guess I just felt safe next to him.

    "She hit me first!" I cried out defensively. I didn't want him to think I was some crazy violent person. I only resulted in fighting when it was self defense.

    "Why'd she hit you?" he questioned, his brow furrowing in confusion. Because he was new at school, he had no idea of my back history with Brittany. Most of the school had heard of our fight last year.

    "I called her a bitch. She just hates me for no reason," I answered, shaking my head. I then told him about our fight last year. He would never really understand what it felt like to have someone hate you because they didn't agree with the way you dressed or the music you listened to. At least he cared enough to ask questions, though.


    When I realized the girl that Cameron had been fighting with was Jay's girlfriend Brittany, I was even more pissed. Couldn't everyone just get along? I'm sure Brittany knew I liked Cameron and that I was friends with Jay, so I would expect her to at least be civil towards Cameron. When Cameron said she was a bitch, I guess she wasn't exaggerating.

    I was too pissed to plan my entrance to biology that day. Even though the incident with Cameron had happened a half hour ago, it still plagued my mind. I sat down at my desk angrily. "You ok, man?" Jay asked when he saw my behavior.

    "No. Tell your girlfriend to stay away from mine," I grumbled. I hadn't meant to call Cameron my girlfriend. It just kind of came out. I was mad and not thinking straight.

    "So now she's your girlfriend?" he asked with a hint of surprise in his voice. I just didn't get why there was so much hatred directed towards Cameron and her group of friends.

    "Just tell Brittany to stop bothering her," I replied, totally ignoring his comment. I shouldn't have to explain myself to him. If she was my girlfriend, what would the big deal be?

    "I don't control her," he pointed out, his voice laced with anger. I wasn't trying to say he controlled her, but I figured he could at least ask her to try to be nice to people.

    "I know, but there's no reason for her to be hitting other people," I responded, trying not to let my voice rise. It was a challenge to not let my anger get the best of me and just yell at him in front of our whole class.

    "She didn't hit anyone!" he cried out defensively. It was so obvious that he was oblivious to his girlfriend's flaws. He needed to wake up and realize Brittany was not innocent.

    "Yes, she did and Cameron told me about how they got into a fight last year," I argued, getting defensive myself. I didn't even understand why Jay liked Brittany. Yeah, she was pretty, but she was so snooty and he was a pretty cool guy. Well, I thought he was cool up until then.

    "You believe everything she says?" he responded. He acted like I shouldn't trust the girl I had just accidentally called my girlfriend.

    "Yeah, sorry I trust her," I told him sarcastically. First of all, I doubted Cameron would lie about something like that. There was no reason to try and turn me against Brittany of all people. Second, Cameron had yet to break my trust, so there was no reason not to believe her.

    Thankfully, the bell rang before our argument could progress any further. I wasn't even really mad at him. I was more angry in general and took it out on him. I guess a lot of the recent events had been pissing me off. Between my parents and Brittany and Ally, I was mad and I guess Jay just got the worst of.

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