Chapter 29

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Next morning;
Jin woke up as he saw a bear like human cuddling him while sleeping.
He slowly tried to remove Tae's hands from him as he has to get ready for hospital.

Tae whined and snuggled more into him.
Jin sighed: aishh! This baby!
And finally after many tries he was successful to come out of the octopus grip Tae had on him. He placed a pillow on his place and kissed Tae's hair and left to get ready.

He finally came downstairs after getting ready. The maids were making making breakfast while others were still not here.
He thought to check on them. Just then Hoseok came downstairs: good morning hyung -he showed his sunshine smile.

Jin: good morning bub! Did you check on others? They will get late

Hoseok: yeah they are just coming.
Jin: okay let's sit.

Maids were setting the breakfast table, when everyone came down. They sat down at their respective places after wishing morning to each other and Jin. Tae was still sleeping as jin thought to let him sleep.

Jin: jimin you'll be following your diet chart from today. And don't overwork please. I am already dealing with that brat. I don't want anymore patients in my house

Jimin: yes hyung. I won't. But what happened to Tae?

Jin let out a sigh as he told them about Tae's condition and also asked Namjoon to approve his leave.

They were all ofcourse worried for him. Hoseok said he would be taking care of Tae as he didn't had to go to studio today.

Jin looked at y/n: baby what happened to you? Why are you looking pale?

Y/n: no oppa. I am fine. Don't worry -she smiled but actually she wasn't feeling well. But that's pre periods hormonal disturbance, so she knew she didn't need medication.

Jin looked at her suspiciously: are you sure?
Y/n: yes oppa -she started eating but in fact she wasn't feeling like having breakfast. She also didn't drink coffee today.

They looked at her worriedly. They knew something was wrong but they thought she was hiding something.

Then Jungkook spoke: hyung I will be having basketball practices from today. It will be two hours after college. Can I please stay there for them? -he looked at others with cute doe eyes to which no one can deny.

But they looked at Jin for the final decision. He nodded: you can kookie, but have your lunch at time and take care of yourself okay?

Jungkook showed his bunny smile: Thankyou hyung. I promise I will take care.

Jin ruffled his hair: no problem baby.

Then everyone left to their respective works. Namjoon, Jungkook and y/n to college. Jin went to Hospital while Jimin went to company. And Hoseok was staying with Tae. He made Tae eat all the breakfast and medicines just as Jin had ordered.

In university;
Y/n wasn't feeling well. She had started getting cramps already but her periods weren't started yet. So she didn't take any medication.

But now it was getting difficult for her. Noah and Alice were with her but what can they do more than moral support as y/n didn't want to go to infirmary as they have a test in the next lecture.

In the next lecture;
The teacher came and distributed the test papers. She smiled in satisfaction seeing it as she had studied for it well and she knew all the questions.

She started writing. But suddenly a wave of cramps hit her hard. She clutched her stomach as she bowed down in the sitting position. She wasn't able to write anymore.

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