The Girl with the Silver Ring

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~Author's note~ Hello children, I am happy to say that I will be starting to animation projects! One for this, and the other for Kanj Magica! Sorry the chapters, have been short! I've decided to make a prologue chapter for Ryoko! Yay! It will be the next chapter so be ready, for a story of sadness! I also will be making a chapter from Rei's point of view which is this one! Thank you for your support!~

A girl, that is very short, has become a bully. They say she is incredibly strong. I find this extremely interesting. A girl that was to shy to even have friends, was now the meanest bully in school. People respected her. It was strange very strange. Usually I was into the future, but now I would have to look into the past, to find out everything about her. And the present.
I follow her to a park, where she talks, no her mouth isn't moving. I felt strange energy, my head started to hurt, my vision blurred a bit. What was the girl doing to me.
"I saw you following me Rei!" She turns and looks at me. She changes. Her clothes are now a grey dress, that is detailed, and short, with a white ribbon. She pulls out twin pistols out of her back, and I enlarges them. They are aimed at me, and they glow silver. Just like the jewel on her ring is.
"I'm the real strong, THIS IS THE REAL STRONG!" she screamed. Her pupils were small, and she was scared, and angry. I could see the hint of fear.
"No this isn't the real strong... Being the real strong is not bulling people! You are truly a coward, who pretends to be strong."
" I MADE A WISH!!!! I AM STRONG, IM NOT A COWARD!!! LIES!!!!" She was screaming as loud as she could. She gripped on her large guns aimed at me, her finger on the trigger. She touched it, and pressed. Two beams of light glowed, and slowly fired. Before the beams touched me, a girl with white hair, and a black dress pushed me to the floor. I lay there, and watch the white haired girl walk up to the Rini.
She muttered something to her. The girl was covered in fear. Tears rolled down her face. Her guns, resized to normal.
"I'm sorry you had to see that..", the white haired girl said to me.
"What happened, why did she attack me?!"
"Shush, she stroked my hair. This was all a dream.."
"No it wasn't!! It..." I began to feel very tired. I was very relaxed. And I felt light as a feather.
"It was a dream... If someone gives you the chance for a miracle, reject their offer. A world of grief will come to you. That's the price."
"It's the...... Price..." My words were slowing down. My eyes shut slowly.
"Yes, don't ever listen, if you do, don't be stupid... Wish for a real miracle.."
The world was black, and the beginning of my so called dream was fading away, I couldn't remember. The rest of it faded off too, and I was confused. Where was I? What was I doing...? What day was it. It was Wednesday wasn't it? No it was Tuesday? My mind was completely confused. I wanted to shut my eyes, and let everything be over with. I shut my eyes tight, and reopened them. I was in a bed, at a hospital, I think.
"I cant remember..."
"Shush, you need to rest, it's not done. Erasing memories is a long process. You need to calm yourself." A mysterious girl whispered, as I shut my eyes.

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