Chapter 7: Pick Up

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I mail the letter off that night, and the week that goes by is agonizingly slow. I'm worried that Harry is going to do something stupid, like run away or use more magic (even though he was sent letters telling him not to do either of those things). We also decide who is going to pick up Harry, and a whole slew of witches and wizards is going to go, including me. Mad Eye says the more the better, but I just think he's being paranoid. He also wants my fight training to be more rigorous, and Liam actually listens to him. Between all of this, I barely manage to spend time with Fred. But I manage. I'm getting ready to leave when someone knocks on my door. I smell the air and it's a very familiar scent, along with his twin brother. "Come in," I say as I put on my black combat boots - I don't expect actual combat, but it goes with my black t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

Fred and George walk into my room and see me about ready to leave. "Leaving so soon?" Fred asks. "Yup. I need to go meet the people who have the chance to win the All-England Best Kept Suburban Competition," I joke with a smirk. I wasn't supposed to tell them about that, but oh well. "When do you think you'll be back?" he asks, walking up to me. I stand up and meet him half way, wrapping my arms around him. "Not sure, whenever your dad gives us the signal. We stare into each other's eyes and are about to kiss when someone clears their throat. George. I forgot he was here. "Not that I'm not happy for you both, but I'd rather not watch this, do you mind?" he asks with a mischievous glint. "Were you still able to keep some extendable ears hidden?" "Yup." I untangle myself from Fred and from under my mattress, I pull out extendable ears, which Fred and George invented to eavesdrop on Order conversations. Mrs. Weasley burned most of them, but Fred and George thought ahead. They gave a few to me in case of emergencies. I give each of them an extendable ear. Just as I give them the ears, there's a knock on my door. "Chloe," I hear Lupin say. "We need to get going!" I kiss Fred quickly and grab my firebolt. "See you soon. Don't let your mom see those!" I say as I run out the door on my way to pick up Harry.

All of us who are going to pick up Harry meet in the living room. "Right. Since Cullen has the best eyesight, she'll bring up the lead. I'll bring up the rear. The rest of you, I want you to fly above and below us to make sure we aren't being followed. Make sure to keep rotating as to keep any Death Eaters on their toes. Right, we don't have much time, let's go while the coast is clear. I roll my eyes. Why wouldn't the coast be clear? "Mount your brooms. Go!"

My immediate concern was muggles who happen to be glancing our way. I take a quick sweep of the area when I see a little girl and change course accordingly. Mad-eye sees her to. "Hard right, muggle approaching!" "I saw her, thank you mad-eye!" There are several trees I have to maneuver as I climb to an appropriate cruising altitude. It's a clear night, so there are no clouds that we will have to fly through. I still scan for things to avoid when a see a town and steer accordingly. "Town!" I hear Moody say behind me. "I know" I grumble.

I am a little relieved when we finally land at Harry's house. It seems Moody has little faith in my navigating abilities. "Cullen, listen and make sure that Potter is the only one at home" I roll my eyes and stroll up to the door for dramatic effect even though I can hear just fine from where I was standing. Hell, I could hear just fine from the air. I press my ear up against the door and wait a second. "Just one heartbeat. Harry's I assume." I say. "Yeah, well, could be an imposter," Moody says. "Stand back" I do as he asks" He puts his wand up to the door and says "Alohomora."

I don't think it occurred to Moody that with bringing so many people, there would be such a racket that came along with it. The moment we all entered the room, I could hear the heartbeat upstairs spike. At the same time, all of the guard starts talking at once. "Will you all be quiet?" Moody grumbles. "I wonder what he looks like?" Tonks wonders aloud. "I have heard he looks like James. But with his mother's eyes" Kingsley answers. While they are all talking, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs with a wand pointed at us. It's Harry. "Lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out," Moody says.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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