Idiot Gods and Sister Forgiveness

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Zoë's POV

I was just walking through the forest when a voice in my head jolted me.

Come to Olympus now!! Zeus's voice spoke.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. Yet another counsel game of 'Try to Kill Zoë.' I was getting really sick of this. Like seriously. When will they realize they can't kill me? Whatever.

I said- Zeus started but I interrupted.

Yeah yeah. I'm coming. I say, annoyed.

Shutting the king of the gods out, I flashed myself to Olympus.

"What is it you idiots want?" I ask as I enter the throne room.

"We aren't idiots!!!" Zeus screeched.

"Would you rather be called a drama queen, oh mighty King of Olympus?" I ask mockingly, adding a mocking bow.

Zeus's face turned so red, I swear I saw smoke coming out of his ears and nostrils. For my own enjoyment, I waved my hand and steam shot out of his ears, accentuating my statement perfectly.

"I AM NOT A DRAMA QUEEN!!!" Zeus screamed at me, standing up and grabbing his lightning bolt.

"Watch it, Sparky," I reply calmly.

If possible, his face went even more red.

"Ah, is Zeusy-kins mad?" I ask in a babyish tone.

"Zoë," my mother said warningly, with a joking undertone. I fake sigh.

"Buzz-kill," I mutter under my breath, playing along with her.

"I heard that," she said.

"You were meant to," I retort.


"Mom's used to it. Besides we were only joking, Lord Dramatic," I say.


Then I got mad. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is the boss of me. My brother tried to do that once and he ended up at the Chaos doctors' office for two weeks.

"Listen here, Zeus, youngest child of Rhea and Kronos. You are not my king. I am the daughter of Chaos and Artemis. NO ONE rules over me," I growl at him.

Zeus shrunk back in his throne. I knew for a fact that he hated to be called the youngest child. He was King of the gods. But he isn't my king.

"Now, if you would be ever so kind as to tell me what in Chaos you want, or I will leave," I say.

"You must partake on a mission of our will, young maiden," Athena said, thinking I didn't understand a word she was saying.

"Dearest Athena, if you do so believe you have more intellect then I, then you are so very incorrect," I reply.

Her jaw dropped. Then her face hardened and she glared at me.

"Do not speak to me with such disrespect, mortal," she sneered.

"I am no mortal, goddess," I spat with even more venom then she had.

Athena looked like she was about to cry. She looked absolutely terrified.

"I thought you always say to never show fear unless it's your strategy," I mock her. She just sunk in her seat.

"Now, back to business. I will not do a quest."

"What do you mean? Of course you'll do a quest!" Zeus said.

"No I will not," I say.

"What if its for your mother?" Poseidon asked.

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