Chapter 4 "King Kirby and family reunion!"

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This chapter kind of feels like a crackfic at some points but at least it's interesting. IDK.

(Weird note): I had a dream that I became a princess from doing something? The dream didn't actually explain what I did but I became royalty. It was like a wedding but instead, you know a princess. Also I was an anthropomorphic snake woman in the dream.

Word count (2562)
-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Tiff opened her eyes to see a dark black void around her, she couldn't move her body, even how much she tried. Tiff couldn't scream, hear, blink, or feel temperature around her. She started to hyper ventilate, but instead of receiving fresh air, a thick liquid filled her lungs. Tiff increasing panic only made it worse as she began to gag on the substance filling her mouth. Voices filled her head, telling her to stop resisting and to accept them, Tiff didn't understand what they were on about. Her confusion helped her from swallowing more of the thick liquid and stare at the endless abyss above her. Tiff looked blankly at darkness for what it seams to feel like ages before a red eye appeared in front of her vision. It somehow begins to talk to her with a raspy as well as inhuman voice. "Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!"


Tiff shot out of her bed and instantly vomited a black substance on to her sheet. When she finished vomiting, she started to choke, but someone petted her back. Helping her not die from lack of oxygen in her system, letting all the thick liquid out her mouth. Tiff checked who helped her, an average looking waddle dee in nurse getup, she seems to be shaking in fear. Fear. Was the nurse afraid her? It wasn't a nice thought of having someone being afraid of her, although that someone is currently helping her.

Tiff turned back to the black spill now on the hospital sheet in concern for herself. The idea of that being inside of her body made her want to vomit again, but she didn't. The waddle dee in nurse attire, took the once clean sheet off of Tiff's body in a smooth motion. Taking the sheet to the small table near the bed, carefully folded in a way to keep the black mess from covering the waddle dee or, the furniture that it was being placed on.

Without the green sheet covering Tiff's form, her more monstrous features came visible to the eye that wasn't bandaged in all of its biological oddly-ness. The bandages around her arms and legs have been removed to reveal the ghostly white skin underneath. Tiff gently lifted her right arm, getting closer look at the white skin to only to realise that she has long deadly claws at the ends of her fingers. Tiff flex them to feel the new flexibility in her claw-like fingers with mix sense of fascination and dread. Her intelligent starved mind were filled with ideas on how to possibly use them for day-to-day life, but fear of new form seemed to creep in. The nurse seem to notice and was about to do something, but Tiff turned her one eye at him, seeming to stop the nurse in his tracks.

"Can I be left alone for a bit? I want to have some privacy, please?" Tiff said to the nurse, he nodded in a fast manner before giving Tiff a book and leaving the room. "Uhhhh... thanks?" Tiff said a bit confused at first but realised that he gave her this book to help her not to get bored while being stuck in her bed. The book was a biology book about marine life in deep part of the ocean, if the cover was anything to go by. Tiff wondered if her little brother told him about her love for marine life, and that's she was given this pacific book. It can't be a coincidence, can it? Or maybe she is thinking too deep on it? Tiff did a quick skim through all the pages, seeing the impressive number of pages in this small book. After she done that, she began to actually read the book with a sense of familiarity. It was nice to have some normality in her chaotic life. once in awhile.

(1 hour later)

"So the sub-species can give birth, interesting." Tiff Kirby said as she carefully used her knife like nails to read the written text. She was having the time of her life, being able to read in peace without any distractions bothering her. Although she did start to miss her family... Tiff sighed and put the book down to the side. Tiff looked for the button to call for a nurse to get into the room, she found it and gently pressed it. Immediately a nurse showed up into the room, another waddle dee from last time, though he looked less scared, and more concerned. His seem to try to focus on Tiff, but the nurse kept on getting his focus on the still dirty hospital sheet.

02!Tiff (KRBAY/Kirby AU, my version) ✨improved edition✨ Where stories live. Discover now