Part 5

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The rest of the week I never get out of my dorm, I don't want to risk to see the griffindores and even less the slitherins. Today it is Friday. Finally. Pansy said I should eat something. Yeah maybe I should but I can't. I can't go into the great hall, when I know that everyone hates me. Just because I never went out of my dorm, doesn't mean, I don't know what the newest gossip is. I know that everyone thinks, I made Reggie forget everything because I wanted more attention. The only time I went out of my dorm, was because I had to go to dumbledore. And he said I should go to school. I tried. I really tried. I went outside to the dark arts room because that was my next lession. And on the way to go there, everyone wispered when they saw me. Some of them screamed something at me, but I don't really know what. Because I was always in my thaughts or don't wanted to hear what they say. And as I saw the slitherins, I stoped. They looked at me like they hate me. Well I think that face is what it looks like when you hate someone. And then I went back into my dorm. Yep. I know I am weak and I should go out there and don't care about what everyone thinks about me, but I can't. My head don't wants to stop thinking about what they think. Not even music helps. Pansy comes in and say: "Hey, I brought you something from the breakfast. You must die because of hunger." I look at her. Why would she bring something to me, I thaught they hate me? "Thank you" I say. "Are you good? I mean you never talked with us and we never saw you in lessions." Why would she talk with me? "Yeah I am good. I just catched a cold" I lie. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am totally fine" I lie again. Pansy goes to her first class.

>Mattheos POV<

>Mattheos POV<

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I don't know why they like her so much

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I don't know why they like her so much. I mean, she is just another slitherin. She is just another Person we shouldn't talk with. When Father findes out that she can practice magic without anything, he surely wants her on his side or otherwise he would murder her. And us also. And everyone she likes. This girl only means trouble for us. Why can't they see that? It would be better when we just stay away from her. For her. For us. For everyone. But my friends don't think that. They like her too much for that.

<Rubinas POV>

My phone vibrates. I look on it. I am in a new group? It is called "Slitherin🔛🔝" oh no. Why am I in this group? One new chat. I get into chat and see this "fuck you". Okey? A group just to say that?



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Okey, they don't hate me

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Okey, they don't hate me. Thank god! Sirius will kill me, because I hang out with them. But good is he isn't here and I can do what I want, because I am not a little girl anymore. I am 16 and I can decide for myself. The only problem is, Harry and the others. They will tell Sirius because it is so fucking importent, that Harry won't die. They can tell me what they want, they don't care about me. That's it. And why would I don't meet up with the slitherins, when they bring me really to laugh after 5 years fake smileing? They give me the feeling that we will have a great friendship. I mean I just know them since 5 Days, but it feels like 5 years. Maybe these people are my Luck. My happiness that has been far too long in coming.

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