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You held your tears in best you could as the train cart you were shoved in with the other tributes reached your destination. The Capitol. Here, you were expected to fight the other twenty three people in here with you to the death.

Once the train came to a stop, you were snapped out of your thoughts as Reaper, the boy from district eleven, informed you that you were about to get off. You thanked him for notifying you as you stood up and brushed the dirt off your outfit. Your heart was pounding as the doors opened and the Peacekeepers ordered everyone to get out immediately.

You obliged, getting out of the train with a few others in your cart. The boy from your district followed you close behind. You watched as the tributes who did not listen were dragged by their arms and forced out.

You turned to watch the commotion you were also hearing behind you and that's when you saw him.

Your lips parted as your eyes met his blue ones. His blonde curly hair caught your eyes almost immediately. He was elegant looking as expected from a citizen of the Capitol, wearing a bright red uniform that reminded you of the color of blood.

To your confusion, he approached you with a faint smile on his face. You raised an eyebrow once he stopped in front of you and held out a white rose. "Welcome to the Capitol."

His voice was slightly deep with a calm demeanor to it. You instantly felt nervous because he was very good looking man. You hesitated but reached out, wrapping your fingers around the stem of the rose. Your fingertips brushed his large hand slightly.

"Lovely... I wasn't exactly expecting to receive any roses today." You said honestly, hinting at your confusion regarding this random cute boy's gesture of kindness

The blonde smiled politely at you, he seemed almost satisfied with himself for your reaction. "I wouldn't doubt that. Not every mentor decided to show up today but I thought I'd bring you a gift."

"Mentor you say?" You questioned, delicately stroking the petals of the white rose

"Ah, yes. You each get a mentor this year for the games and I happen to be yours. I plan to take care of you and ensure you'll make it home."

You immediately perked up at the thought of getting to go back to your life in your respective district. "You can... you can get me home?"

"I'd like to very much, yes. You're definitely one of a kind, [Y/N]. You had my attention from the moment I saw you step forward during the reaping and that's rare." He said, a smile crossing his face. He looked you up and down as if he was taking in and analyzing every physical aspect of you possible.

"May I ask what exactly caught your attention?" You asked, the stare of his piercing blue eyes made your heart race

His eyes were still fixed on you. "Your heart. Volunteering for your little sister the way you did was not an easy thing to do, was it?"

You bit your lip, recalling the day of the reaping. Your sister's name was called and without thinking, you were shouting that you wanted to take his place. "It wasn't since I was aware of what might happen but... I love her and I knew I couldn't let her die in there."

"Right. That's all that anyone in the Capitol is talking about right now. You are a brave and kind person, people can root for that. I can too. I see a fighter in you that a lot of the others here lack and I think with a little guidance... you can be something unforgettable."

You were slightly annoyed but did not show it. You expected nothing less from these Capitol residents who were so unaware of your reality. You were just an ordinary eighteen year old girl who wants to survive. You did not take your twelve year old sister's place for the Capitol to glorify it and turn you into a killer that you'd be known as the rest of your life. Despite this you felt that this guy, your mentor, actually cared for you. He seemed genuine as he spoke of getting you home. But he probably can't do that if the people in the Capitol do not like you.

AS YOU ARE [Coriolanus Snow  x Reader] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now