really goofy oneshot.

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idk if you can tell but it was ended really desperately and rushed, as always so keep that in mind plz. also can u tell i cant draw. lol!

MDryuu!!!! spoilers 2-3

Description: During court recess, Ryunosuke has no choice but to face the masked man whom he believes is familiar to him.

As court was adjourned, Ryunosuke walked out of the doors and sat on a sofa in the court lobby. It was surprisingly empty, the tiled floors cold and shiny. It felt lonesome, in a way, without Susato; who was too busy buying herbs with Iris to accompany him during the trial; and even the bobbies who were guarding the room... To be honest, Ryunosuke wondered why they weren't there, but what would he know?

Ryunosuke pondered as suddenly he spotted a masked figure across the room. He wasn't noticeable at all, his black clock covering his head and body and half of his face kept unseen by a white mask. He was the pupil of prosecutor Van Zieks, the rumored Masked Disciple. He was a stranger to Ryunosuke, though something brings about a familiar air when they are together. It was almost as if... they've known each other for a long time, in fact Ryunosuke feels a bond between him and the stranger. He was lost in thought, staring at the disciple, but he was instantaneously noticed. The pupil turns his head to look at Ryunosuke and walks over to the sofa. His footsteps were almost silent, the long cloth covering his body flowing in the air as he walked. The disciple's expeditious steps caught Ryunosuke rather unguarded.

He glares at Ryunosuke through his pointed mask, not saying a word.

"... May I help you?" He whispered.

Ryunosuke was surprised once again. The voice he had heard brought a chill down his spine. He'd recognize that voice any day. Kazuma's English was excellent, and although it was well comprehensible, it had just the slightest naturally Japanese accent that articulated his tone. His voice was deep, and what had troubled Ryunosuke was that the disciple sounded.. Just like Kazuma. Of course, he'd suspected that he was Kazuma from the first time they met. But the pupil was ordered not to speak and so Ryunosuke never heard him do so.

"N-no, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone..." Ryunosuke snapped back into reality and instinctively bows. Awkwardness created a tense air between them. He was standing up as he gestured for the disciple to sit where he'd been resting. However, before Ryunosuke was able to even straighten his legs, the disciple snatches his wrist and grips it in his hand. He then suddenly pushes him down on the sofa aggressively for him to sit down. He stands with his weight on just one leg, the other resting between Ryunosuke's thighs, pinning him so that he wouldn't be able to move...

Ryunosuke lets out a slight "ah?!" sound, and shuts his eyes for a quick second before opening them to see the pupil, now on top of him. He looks up at the glowing eyes of his glaring beneath the vizard.

"You... Why do you know me? Why can I not ever draw my sword at you?! Who are you?!" The disciple seemingly yells, though his shout was quieter than a mouse.

That's right.. Now that Ryunosuke had thought about it, every time he passed the disciple, he would stop him in his tracks and try to communicate with him. He usually responded with a piercing glare, and he seemed to be hesitant to be anywhere close or physical with Ryunosuke.

Ryunosuke was absolutely bewildered. His eyes widened with hints of fear, his mouth opening as he tried to spit out words without his tongue becoming trapped. Funnily enough this had never occurred to him before. He suddenly felt guilty for teasing Kazuma's inability to clearly recite tongue twisters. The sounds, "I...", "uhh...." and "mmph..." escape Ryunosuke's mouth many times in a non-consecutive manner. At this point his face was crimson red and sweat was dripping from his chin. The disciple was staring at him in an intimidating fashion, as he leaned in slowly while Ryunosuke leaned back, similar to parallels. Phrases such as "Hold it!" and "Objection!" appeared in his mind, though these words are not commonly used outside of the courtroom. They're not much help, either.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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