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𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡'𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭


Truth woke up at three a.m. feeling a little hungry and perhaps too energized for someone who only slept four hours.

Though, four hours were not only a sign of a good night's sleep, but also a rather healthy amount for someone like her. Truth only relied on sleep to heal either mentally or physically, the latter being uncommon and the former only if she pushed the usage of her gifts too much.

It was why she was always too bored to stay in her apartment past a certain time, and it was why she and Natasha continued to see each other every night without fail.

Today, Truth decided to start her night with a little mental exercise, humming to herself as invisible tendrils rummaged through her kitchen to prepare a bowl of cereal.

Telekinesis was the most difficult to master, unlike her other abilities. She was a natural with her telepathy, having developed techniques to keep the voices out of her head and done enough research on the brain to navigate one as fluently as she would the halls of the Triskelion.

Her more unique ability, known formally as truth inducement, was more instinctive. For the most part, it remained dormant until it flared up in response to a falsity. The strength of the lie played a factor in the strength of her response: little fibs and half-truths wouldn't so much as tickle her, but being lied to directly, especially if she had asked a question and expected an answer, would result in a buildup of energy that was difficult to disperse if she didn't want to injure the liar. Sometimes the little lies stacked up over time like paper cuts, and the energy would begin to surge over her like a second skin, bubbling and ready to boil over.

This energy, when released, was what caused the "inducing" effect. Most people couldn't resist it if they tried. And, if they did, they would choke on the words caught in their throat.

Truth had techniques to control this as well, but sometimes the inevitable happened. She had options for when it got particularly bad.

The problem with her telekinesis, however, was that it didn't always emerge as boldly as her other powers. When she was younger, she hadn't even known she'd been capable of it until her uncle had pointed it out to her after one of her bad days. It certainly explained the amount of damage she could inflict under emotional distress.

And, when Truth Castello didn't know how to control something, she practiced until it was perfect. It had been difficult at first, but now telekinesis came almost as easily to her as her own telepathy.

But, ease didn't mean she'd mastered it. Telekinesis required a concentration that was different from her other abilities. If something was particularly heavy, it weighed on her mentally. Moving too many things at once sometimes gave her migraines. Her goal was to build her mental strength enough to surpass these limitations and eventually reach new ones.

Usually, she'd train her telekinesis during her daily midnight visits to the training room, but the continued appearance of Natasha Romanoff had decidedly cut down a lot of Truth's training. Truth normally refrained from using her powers in front of the other agents, but now she was particularly careful in front of Natasha ever since their second midnight encounter. She didn't want to make the redhead uncomfortable, especially with how close they'd grown in the past few weeks.

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