Chapter 1

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I'm officially a child of divorce.... How many times should I say, "Thank God". Honestly I had almost given up on religion but right in time God has answered my prayers.

" Moses, what if you stay an extra night and I drive you up to your dad's new place tomorrow? "
I can see through my Mom's smile. She won't drive me up to Dad's, instead she will spend the night bashing Dad and convincing me to live with her instead.
"Your Father has no ambition! And he will raise you to have no ambition too!" I can hear it all already.

"Mom, stop. Dad and I already have our whole trip planned out." I quickly hug her as I talk so she can't see the annoyance on my face.

"But I want to road trip with my baby." She holds me tight and gives me a 'love shake' as she calls it and I wriggle out quickly.

The truck's lift gate slams shut and my Dad walks over and stands by me and pats my back.

"Ready to roll son?"

I look over and give him a huge smile which fades quickly once my Mom releases her groan of displeasure.

"Just because we agreed to handle custody outside of the court doesn't mean you get to interrupt our moments!" My Mom screams, forcing me into my shell.

"For God sake Chelsea," my Dad wipes the sweat off his forehead then stares at my Mom, "Is this how you want to send your son off? With an argument?"

My Moms eyes widened, "Are you calling me argumentative?"

My Dad takes a deep breath then walks to his truck.

"Moses, do you see the way your father talks down to me?" She pauses as if I am supposed to answer, I don't.
"Are you sure you want to go live with him?"
The way she says 'him' hurts me. She always talks about my Dad as if he is violent or well argumentative, but the only person who feels to fit those words is my Mom. I need to get away.

"Mom, we have to go, or we will lose daylight. I love you." I give her a big smile and quick hug then run to my Dad's truck and hop in.

My mom stands in the parking lot of the apartment complex frozen. It looks like she is about to make a move, some last ditch effort to get me but Dad finally peels off and I don't look back.

If I look back I will never leave.

My dad plays Willie Nelson, it's apparently a tradition. When Grandpa came to America he became a Willie Nelson fan, met Grandma at some outlaw country concert he was performing at, and because of that all family road trips must be accompanied by Willie.

"Don't you think 'On the road again' is a bit on the nose for the first track?" I say to my Dad.

"I made this playlist specifically for this trip and you aren't going to ruin it!" My Dad reaches over and pokes my shoulder and I can't help but chuckle.

I am relaxed, actually having fun and living carefree, then my phone rings and the three letter word on the caller ID flashes 'Mom'. I stare down at my phone frozen. What should I do?

"Just send her a text, tell her you are about to take a nap so you'll call later."

I follow what Dad says and tap away on my phone. Message sent, message received , message ignored.

™I can just sit on the phone with you while you nap.

I read Moms reply and again saw her calling, I show my dad and he turns down Willie and takes my phone.
"Chelsea, seriously!"
I can't hear my Mom very clearly on the other side but I can make out her saying something about me still needing her.
"He is sixteen Chelsea, he is old enough to decide what he wants. I will make sure he calls you when we get to the house. Goodbye Chelsea."
I watch as Dad puts my phone on do not disturb then drops it in the center console.

"I know teens can't live without technology but how about you stay off that for a couple hours?"

I nod in agreement and look down at my phone with my heart clamoring to get out my chest. I don't know if I will survive this road trip.

'And I can't wait to get on the road again'

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