Chapter 8

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Dinner is a little awkward. Dad and I definitely made our guests uncomfortable.
Mr. Gonzalez and my Dad talk a bit about a job they have this week. Dad is a handy man and Mr. Gonzalezes experience as a carpenter will come in handy, ba dum tsk.

Dad wasn't always just a handyman. He met mom in college where he studied architecture, she studied medicine. He wanted to work with his hands so Mom encouraged him to. He usually gets about two to three clients a month, and that was fine. He did what he loves and mom took care of the bills.

We all knew mom made more, they never hid that from us, but I didn't realize how little dad earned.
It's not enough to cover the mortgage, the utilities, Jared's cochlear hearing aids replacements, surprise home repairs and of course Dad's work truck.

I never asked for any of this, but what was I supposed to do? After mom died Dad stopped working, so I accepted MDevs job offer, one of three interns to get an offer and the only programmer because I am the most experienced with a new code. I paid all the overdue bills and even got us a maid for the first couple months to help dad out.
I took it all on so that he can get better and now that he is finally getting back on his feet all he does is complain.
'Jordan, you don't need to pay the electric bill, I'll get an extension.'
'You're fifteen, why is your boss offering you a car? I can drive you to work.'
'Why would you order groceries, I can go get them after this job pays.'
He's never once said, 'Thank you Jordan, you really helped me out today.'

My dad and Mr. Gonzalez let me and Moses say goodnight on the back porch. They watch us closely from the kitchen window.

"I want to kiss you so bad." I stare at the forbidden lips before me and bite mine.

"Well Mr. Joseph said no kissing."

"My Dad doesn't understand my primal need to lock lips with you." I lean in and Moses lifts his head and lets out a long breath.

"Maybe we should try just having a conversation?" Moses says then locks eyes with me, "We barely talked today, we mostly held hands and kissed."

I bite my bottom lip then lean on Moses' shoulder, "What if we don't have anything to talk about?"
Basketball and kissing is all we have right now, and I really like the kissing.

"My favorite fruit is Mango," Moses pauses and I look up to see him waiting for my reply.

"Oranges," I blurt out, "Well technically tangerines I guess. The cute ready to peel and eat ones."

Moses nods his head and looks out at the tree in our backyard.
"I broke my hand when I was five trying to climb a tree with my cousins in Mexico."

I squeeze his arm mostly trying to enjoy his muscular build, "Which arm?"

He holds up his left arm and shows me the spot, "Luckily the fracture wasn't too bad so it has never affected my game."

I run my fingers along the area of his old wound and lick my lips, "If I kiss it to make it better, is it breaking the rules?"

Moses pulls his arm from me and laughs.

"What?" I ask sorta laughing too, his sound is addictive.

"We will get in trouble."

"We're teenagers," I lean in too close, "we are supposed to get in trouble."

I pull Moses into a long kiss and he wraps his arms around pulling me closer, like we can even be any closer.
The door pushes open and I hear Mr. Gonzalez, "Okay boys, date over."
We ignore him, not on purpose, neither of us wants to be the first to pull away.
"Hey!" Moses exclaims as he is dragged away from me.

"I get home from work around six," I shout as they reach the steps on the side of the garage.

"Basketball?" he shouts back pointing at me.

"Basketball," I agree, pointing back at him.

"Ew," I look over at Jared standing at the door teasing me with a yucky face.

I give him a stern look and sign, 'Go to bed!'

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