new fears and foes

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(btw "" talking and '' is thoughts)

The door swings open, startling everyone as a girl runs up to Brandon with an enthusiastic smile.

"Hi, I'm Nemona!" She said as she grabs Brandon's hand and shakes it roughly. Brandon just blinks as he tries to process what just happened.

"Nemona calm down, you've already broken the arms of three people from doing that and I would like to not fill out more paperwork." Director Clavell said as he put his hand to his forehead. Brandon just looks at Nemona in shock.

"Sorry..." She said as she turned to director Clavell. "I'm just happy to see a new face around here!" She said with a smile.

"Is she also happy to see lawsuits?" Jace said as she hid behind Brandon's leg.

"Anyways, can I choose a starter?" Nemona said enthusiastically.

"If it'll make you stop breaking people's arms, then yes." Director Clavell said as he shook his head.

"Ok! I chose this one!" Nemona said as she picked up sprigatito. The sprigatito meowed in joy as it looked up at Nemona.

Everyone stood in silence for a few seconds before Nemona slowly turned her head towards Brandon with a creepy grin, chilling Brandon down to his core.

"Battle." Nemona said before snatching sprigatito's pokeball out of director Clavell's hand and sprinting to her backyard.

Brandon and director Clavell just look at each other before walking to Nemona's backyard, Jace following close behind Brandon. As both of them enter the backyard they see a battle field and Nemona standing at one of the sides of the field.

"Are you ready to battle!" Nemona shouted as her sprigatito stepped onto the field.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Brandon said as Jace hesitantly stepped onto the field.

"Nope!" Nemona responded as director Clavell stood at the side of the field.

"Of course I don't..." Brandon said as he looked at the ground.

"Everyone gets ready." Director Clavell said as he looked at both of them.

"Sprigatito, give it all you got!" Nemona shouted as the sprigatito stared daggers at Jace.

"Jace, aim for the head." Brandon said as Jace started to grin

"Begin!" Director Clavell shouted as he snapped his finger.

Jace and the sprigatito charged at each other with detention in their eyes and as they got within inches of each other..... they started swatting at each other like little kids would. And soon enough, with one last blow to the head, the sprigatito fell to the ground with Jace standing over it.

"Jace is the last pokemon standing, which means Brandon is the winner." Director Clavell said as Nemona sighed in defeat.

"That was an amazing battle!" Nemona said as she walked up to Brandon.

"You could say that...." Brandon said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Let's battle again" Nemona said as she grabbed the collar of Brandon's shirt and pulled him closer.

"Nemona your only pokemon is fainted and Brandon's fuecoco is probably exhausted," director Clavell said as he gestured his hand towards Jace who was fist pumping her little hands in the air. "Let go of the boy and calm down."

"Fine." Nemona said as she let go of Brandon's shirt collar.

"Nemona, may I ask you a favor?" Director Clavell said as he pulled Nemona back slightly by the shoulder.

"Sure, what is it?" Nemona said as she turned towards director Clavell.

"Could you teach Brandon how to catch a pokemon?" Director Clavell said. "You can go to Poco Path which is conveniently right down the, not much of a, street." Director Clavell said as he pointed to the direction of Poco Path.

"Ok! Races you there Brandon!" Nemona said as she starts running towards Poco Path before stopping dead in her tracks, returning Sprigatito, then continuing to run towards Poco Path. Director Clavell shakes his head and sighs before gesturing you to follow her.

The camera fades to black before opening on the scene of Brandon walking up to Nemona.

"What took you so long?" Nemona says as she puts her hands on her hips.

"Walking, like civilized people." Jace says as Brandon just shrugs.

"Doesn't matter now- look alive!" Nemona says over enthusiastically as she points to a small, black pig pokemon. "It's a Lechonk. Try and catch it!" She says as she practically shoves three pokeballs into Brandon's arm's.

"But I don't want to catch-" "Catch the Lechonk Brandon." Nemona cuts Brandon off as she glares at Brandon with a gaze so intense it could make a Magcargo blush, making everyone as white as a ghost including the Lechonk.

Brandon slowly turns towards the Lechonk and throws a pokeball which falls short. The Lechonk looks at the pokeball, then at Brandon, then at Nemona before pressing it's nose on the center of the pokeball and getting zapped up into the pokeball. The pokeball shakes once before flashing green.

Nemona claps excitedly as Brandon picks up the ball.

"Good job Brandon! I'll race you to the lighthouse!" Nemona says as she has already begun running. Brandon sighs before the pokeball opens and the Lechonk comes out, now wearing a pair of gold trim glasses and a nose ring.

"Wasa dude. Names Brady." the Lechonk, now known as Brady, says as it looks up at Brandon.

"HI, names Brandon." Brandon says as he pats Brady on the head. Jace comes out of their ball and greets Brady happily.

Brandon smiles as the camera pans up to the sky and it fades to black.


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Name: Jace

Accessories: blue scarf

Fun fact: Jace has fought multiple people and pokemon over food by using blackmailing and manipulating.

Fun fact: Jace has fought multiple people and pokemon over food by using blackmailing and manipulating

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Name: Brady

Accessories: nose ring, gold trim glasses

Fun fact: he loves to roll down hills, but on time he wasn't paying attention and almost ran over a Charcadet.

Sorry it took so long y'all 🥲

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