Max Verstappen - Happy Birthday

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It was the night before your toddlers 4th birthday party. Her actual birthday was on the Sunday but your had organised a lovely birthday party for her and her friends from Kindy. You had everything ready to go. Max was due home any moment, you needed to make her birthday cake, prep the party games and the party bags. Max had insisted that you wait for him to get home so that he could help you do it all. Of course after all it was his baby girl and he wanted to make sure her day was going to be special.

You did of course have to talk Max out of organising a few things for party as you insisted she needed to have a normal childhood. Even though she was the daughter of a racing legend, you still wanted her to experience life. Sometimes the finer things in life were nice but you put your foot down on a lot of things wanted. For example he wanted to get a very large petting zoo, her face on a giant balloon, Daniel to play a clown and do a performance for the kids, the list goes on.

Instead you had organised for the party to be held in your backyard under a couple of gazebos, you would make all the food for the kids, you'd organise the party games and you had also called a local party hire place and organised for your daughter Evi's favourite superhero to attend. Evi wasn't aware of this however and it was very much to be kept a strict secret between you and Max although he'd almost spilt that secret 4 times to her.

You were in the kitchen pulling out everything to get Evi's cake together when you heard the door unlock and a suitcase roll along the wooden floorboards. You stood up from digging around in the pantry to see Max wandering into the dining room. He pushed his bag to the side and took his jacket off and hung it off the back of one of the dining room chairs.

He looked up at you and his face immediately lit up, smile and all. You gave him a warm smile setting the self raising flour on the kitchen bench before wandering over to a tired looking Max "hey baby" you said hugging him tight before pulling away and pecking him on the lips.

"Oh how I've missed you" he said grabbing you and pulling you in for another cuddle nuzzling into your neck.

You laughed "why don't you shower and go to bed. I can prep for Evi's party it's okay" you said squeezing his shoulders.

He shook his head almost offended that you had said that "no no no. I have been looking forward to this all weekend. You can't take this away from me" he said smiling down at you.

You shook your head laughing "okay okay. You can help make the cake"

"What had the lovely lady requested?"

You sighed "she asked for a Batman unicorn cake" you said frowning.

"A what?" Max asked confused.

"A Batman unicorn cake" you said laughing "so I'm improvising and making a candy land thing with a black unicorn covered in sparkles and Batman riding it" you said showing him your horrible sketch you had done.

"Well let's hope she likes it" Max shrugged.

"I hope so. I spent a really long time on this improvised unicorn" you said pointing to the unicorn painted black with glitter and sparkles all over it currently sitting on some newspapers.

Max laughed "very good baby. I love it" he said hugging your side.

You pushed the hair out of your frazzled face and commenced baking the cake with Max that was actually you just making the cake and him drinking and pacing up and down the dining room as he told you about the weekend. You didn't mind though.

You pooped the cakes into the oven to bake before starting on the party bags. Everything had to be in the theme of unicorn Batman. You were improvising but just decided to shove a lot of candy and random toys into some bags. You and Max had created an assembly line. One of you would fill the bag with candy, the other with toys and miscellaneous fun stuff and then at the end you would seal them all up.

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