Carlos Sainz - Stolen

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'Oh my god my head' She said gripping your head squeezing her eyes closed.

'Morning' he said standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

'Morning' she grumbled groaning as she rolled over.

'Are you okay?' The Spanish man asked smirking wandering over to sit next to y/n.

'My head is killing me' she said covering her face with her hands.

'Oh yeah?' He asked placing his large hand on her forehead before brushing the hair out of her face 'would a coffee help?' He asked.

'Maybe' she said smirking.

'I'll get us a coffee' he said smiling before grabbing his shirt and throwing it over his torso.

'Oh shit' y/n said pushing herself up. Horror gracing her face.

'What is it?' He asked grabbing his wallet.

'Oh god' she said putting her head in her hands 'did we sleep together?' She asked.

'Oh yeah?' He said winking.

'Oh god' she said again 'I have a boyfriend' 

Carlos shrugged 'doesn't bother me' he said nonchalantly.

She frowned 'I'm a terrible person' she said.

'Relax' he said smiling 'he doesn't have to know. I'm gonna get some coffee' he said before leaving the hotel room.

Carlos made his way into the lobby of the hotel before wandering down the street to a small cafe. He ordered before stepping back and pulling out his phone. As he stood there scrolling through his emails he was interrupted by a visibly angry man.

'Can I help you?' Carlos asked.

'Are you Carlos?' He asked angrily.

'Who's asking?' He said skeptically.

'Y/n's boyfriend' he said as his knuckles became white.

'Oh yeah' he said smirking 'I met her last night. Although funnily enough I didn't see you with her' he said cockily.

'So you were with her?' He asked.

'Oh yeah. She went home with me and I fucked her. With her consent of course' he said watching the colour drain from y/n's boyfriends face.

'Are you kidding me?' He asked.

'No' he said chuckling 'she is so fucking sexy too by the way nice job' he said patting him on the shoulder.

'Don't touch him buddy' another guy said pushing Carlos slightly.

Carlos chuckled.

'You think this is funny? How would you feel if someone fucked your girlfriend knowing they were dating you?' One said.

'You're going to get your head caved in for this' another said standing up from a table.

Carlos chuckled again 'look, I didn't even know about you until this morning' he said 'I couldn't care less about what you and your friends have to say'.

'Are you an idiot?' Y/n's boyfriend asked.

Carlos laughed loudly 'no' he said before his name was called out.

He grabbed the coffees and turned to the group of men 'given the chance I would definitely do it again' he said before winking 'nice meeting you' he said before wandering out of the coffee shop.

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