Chapter one

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Her fur rippled with excitement as Crookedstar made his way up the Highrock.

As he yowled the Clan summons, Ashkits mom Bubblenose licked the last parts of Ashkits fur.

Her pelt now shone in the light of the greenleaf sun.

"Ashkit" yowled the leader "you have reached 6 moons and therefore become an apprentice"

At those words Ashkit ran up to the base of the highrock and jumped on it to join her leader.

When she stood beside him he spoke "from this day on, until you earn your warrior name you will be known as Ashpaw" as he spoke the final words he looked into the crowd of gathered cats.

"Pinetooth will be your mentor" the big orange tom walked up to the Highstone and joined beside Ashpaw and his leader.

Crookedstar turned to Pinetooth. "Pinetooth, you are ready to take on an apprentice, you have received excellent training from Waternose, and proven yourself to be a strong and loyal cat. As Ashpaws mentor I expect you to pass on these qualities to her."

Ashpaw stepped forward and gave her leader a respectful lick on the cheek, and down the highrock the cats started yowling out her new name, "Ashpaw! Ashpaw!"

She followed her new mentor off the highrock and touched noses with him at the base.

"Go to your new den, little one" Pinetooth meowed to her as they touched noses and Ashpaw happily entered the apprentices den, where the other apprentices were already sharing tongues.

Ashpaw settled down in an empty nest of moss, and quietly listened to the voices of her clanmates, when a cat walked up to her, it was the medicine cat apprentice Stonepaw.

"Great job" she meowed as she walked up to Ashpaw.

"My ceremony was way different but I wish it was more like yours," she said while sitting down next to Ashpaw.

"I'm happy for you" she said as she stood up and walked out of the apprentices den.

As Stonepaw walked out Ashpaw realized she envied stonepaws knowledge of plants and herbs, but Ashpaw knew she herself had chosen for the path of warrior instead of medicine cat like Stonepaw so she could only help her clanmates by patrolling and hunting.

When she was done thinking, the moon was already above the tree tops.

The other apprentices were already asleep, but Ashpaw didn't feel sleepy, so she decided to sit at the entrance of the camp, next to her mentor who sat at the entrance waking over their clanmates.

She walked up to him and sat next to him, while Pinetooth looked at her and asked her why she wasn't asleep. She answered she simply couldn't sleep, and Pinetooth was okay with her sitting there so she stayed.

Pinetooth said he scented something and bounded off the forest in, as he disappeared, a big dark tabby cat appeared from the forest.

When Ashpaw saw this she stood up, fluffed her tail up and felt her neck fur bristle. The big tom didn't move a whisker.

"Calm down little apprentice I've got something to tell you" the cat spoke in a dark voice. Was this cat from StarClan? Was she receiving a prophecy? She had no clue.

"Hurry up," the cat snapped "I don't have much time"

Ashpaw nodded and stared at him.

"Your leader is evil, unless you find a better leader before leafbare every cat in your clan will starve"

Ashpaw was shocked, Crookedstar? Bad?

"What secret does my clan keep from me?" She asked

"who is your father?" The tabby asked before vanishing into the darkness of the forest.

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