Chapter 2: Crush.

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(Slight implied homophobia 😔)
I wake up after yesterday's walk with Eva. My back hurts a bit from when Izzy knocked me to the floor, but I'm fine, I guess. I don't really wanna get up, but I guess I have to. I sigh and roll out of bed, grabbing my phone and heading down the stairs for breakfast. I put the bread in the toaster, and grab an egg out of the fridge. Making breakfast is the most boring thing to possible exist. Oh, the toast is done.
I plate the toast and eggs and grab a glass of cola.
Yes, Cola. For breakfast.
I sit down at the table and eat my breakfast, when I hear my phone ding. I check the notification, to see Cody's text.
"Wanna hang out? :)" it reads.
I don't really have much of a choice do I?
I put down my fork and leave my breakfast on the table. I hurriedly put my shoes on without thinking twice, maybe not even thinking once for all I know. I walk out the door. Why would he wanna hang out with me? Honestly.
Oh my God. Why did I ask him that? He left me on read. I think I might've screwed up, and pretty badly, too. I wait anxiously at the window. Maybe he forgot to text back? I dunno.
He's here.
I wasn't expecting that.
I bolt up and quickly open the front door, peering my head round it. "Hey, Noah!" I blink at him.
"Hi." Why was it such a short reply? Nevermind. He's here now. I smile at him a bit. He probably thinks I'm weird. Am I weird? Nah. I let him in, since it is pouring with rain. Not the best look, I must say. His hair is soaked.
"D'you want a towel, or something?" I can't help but laugh. He gives me a glare. I guess laughing was the wrong choice then.
"I'm good, thanks." He says. He seems annoyed. Maybe I was right.
"Come in, then." I invite him into the living room. Why did I even invite him over? I have no idea. Good job, Cody.
I take off my wet shoes and step into Cody's living room. My socks are damp. Great. I sigh a bit in disappointment. I wonder why Cody invited me round... "So... what are we gonna do?" I ask.
"I dunno." Very original Cody. "How about... some sort of video game?"
"Sure.." I don't really like video games. I much prefer writing or reading, but I'll live. "What video game though..?"
"Lemme think..." he seems very concentrated on choosing a game.
"Alrigh-" I get interrupted by Cody.
"Animal crossing?" Okay, I've never heard of it. It sounds slightly interesting I guess. "What's it about?" I ask.
"Dude, seriously? Are you that much of a nerd?"
I blink. Cody is so stupid sometimes. "I'm not a nerd, I'm just smart."
He frowns. It makes me laugh a bit, but I do feel bad. I don't usually feel bad. I don't know what's wrong with me, seriously.
"So basically, you're on this island..." Cody rambles on about Animal crossing. I really can't be bothered to listen. As long as I don't seem stupid when I play, I'm fine.
He loads up the game on his switch. "Alright. I already have an Island on here, but you can stay as a guest I guess! Or you could try and play?" Both are bad options, but I go with the second one. I wanna see what's so good about video games. He throws me the controller, which I almost drop. "Hey! Careful with that." Right. Cody saw me barely catch the controller.
Embarrassing, I know.
I quickly figure out the controls of the game. Pshh. Its just a stupid game about building an island, nothing more.
Okay, maybe it is fun. Damn it. I really didn't think I'd ever like any video games. I'm surprised I guess.
I plant a few flowers, place some fencing here and there and talk to the villagers before I realise I may or may not be slightly tired. I pass Cody the controller. "How aren't you tired?" He still looks wide awake. Maybe because I was the one playing, not him.
"I dunno, I guess I was too busy watching you play!" He laughs a bit. I can barely keep my eyes open at this point.
"Fair point."
"You can sleep if you wa-" and that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.
He fell asleep. Alright. I can deal with this.
What was that..?
Noah has slumped over onto my shoulder. Oh. What do I do? I mean he is kind of cu-
Maybe I should just let him sleep? I don't want to wake him, right?
Okay, okay. Maybe he is kind of cute.


I may as well go to sleep too.


I wake up somehow laying on Cody's shoulder. What? How does this happen? I do not know. I mean.. it's not half bad. I attempt to go back to sleep, but it doesn't really work. So I just lay on Cody's shoulder, trying to pretend I was asleep.
Until Cody wakes up.
What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?
"Morning.." Cody mumbles.
"Huh? Oh, morning."
I look up at his face to see him blushing. He's probably just embarrassed, right? Understandable, really.
I quickly sit up to avoid making this even more awkward. Seriously, Noah. Get a grip. I sigh a bit, before saying, "I should.. probably go back home."
Cody looks a bit sad when I say that. Maybe I'm just over reading his expression. "Yeah, probably." He mumbles.
Okay, I think he might be sad. He looks so pathetic with that small frown. Kind of makes me want to give him a hug. Wait, what? No its doesn't. What am I saying? Damn it. Oh well.
I go to put my shoes and coat on before waving goodbye to Cody. That was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced. Seriously, what am I doing? I go all... funny... around Cody. It's so dumb.
What just happened? Did he actually fall asleep on my shoulder? I don't know. It was... weird.
I ask Gwen to hang out for a while. Thankfully, she says yes. I desperately need to talk to her about Noah.

I invite Gwen in as she knocks on the door. She seems genuinely happy to see me, for once. I smile back at her before she asks, "So, what's up?" I look at her for a moment. Do I really wanna open up to her? I mean, I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it, considering my parents aren't at home much and wouldn't react... well.. to me having a crush on a boy. I start by hesitating for a moment, then saying, "'s about Noah."
"Mhm... carry on. I'm all ears!"
"I think I might have a crush on him."
I sniffle a bit, my eyes tearing up.
"Hey, hey. That's okay! Why are you so upset?" She replies. I'm not really sure I know how to answer that.
"W-well.." should I really be opening up to Gwen this much? "My parents don't really.. accept this type of stuff. It's kind of upsetting."
She stays silent. Was I not meant to say that?
"Its okay, dont worry. You have the right to be whoever you are." She gives me a smile, and I stare at her for a moment.
"Thanks..!" I'm not really sure what else to say. I think I might have made it awkward.
We hang out for a bit longer, chatting, playing video games and drawing a bit, even though I'm not a huge fan.
"That was fun!" She shouts as she heads back down my driveway. "And good luck with Noah!" She winks and I giggle a bit.
I just remembered that I was meant to meet up with Eva today. I don't know how I forgot, but I guess I had my mind on something else. I text Eva and Izzy to make sure our plans are still confirmed. They are. That's nice. Maybe it'll get my mind off it.
I walk over to Eva's house, since it's the closest to both mine and Izzy's houses. I knock on the door. I seriously can't wait to talk to someone other than Cody.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi. Izzy should be here soon." She announced. "..listen, I think it's pretty obvious you like Cody. Ive got a plan." I listen to her, slightly too scared to object.
"...go on."
"I think you may be able to use his birthday to an advantage. If you ask him out, it'll be his best birthday yet if he says yes. If not, you can just say "April fools!" And laugh it off. Does that sound good?"
I hesitate. There's a lot of things that could go wrong, but this may be my only chance before I humiliate myself. I consider it, and eventually decide to say "yes."
"Great! So that's sorted." She replies excitedly, before Izzy bursts through the door.
"What did I miss!?" She shouts, breathing heavily. I think she may have just sprinted here.
"Well..." I begin to ramble on about the plan and await for Izzy's reply. She seems really excited about it.
Yeah, excited may be a bit of an understatement.

(I wanna do some noco one shots 🙏)

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