Synonymous to Bravery

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Period 6

Synonymous to Bravery

How are you so brave? Or perhaps... This bravery in truth, is cowardice? A many people walk by in this lifetime and some stay behind. At times those are lost and other times it's to find you because they've had a purpose to. I speak of no one in general, but it'd be nice to.

So many hold their head high, so few hold them down. So many pretend to listen, oh you know who you are. And those who do listen, are the curious ones who walk down intersections of mysteries. Yet they're all dangerous. You never know what they might do. You never know what you might do. Fear opposes all love. Thus how do you find love when all that surrounds you is fear?

You see, glee is like the spark of a lighter. You try to wind it, and man, it sure is hard. Especially when your fingers are suffering frost bite. But when you do get it, you see those sparks of the fire? The fire might not glow instantly, but it must be hope that keeps pushing us forward to wind it again and again until it does. Though some do give up, I think they just have to try again- no matter how numb your fingers become. Then at last! The fire does spark and the flame licks at the wind hungrily, desiring to grow, to live, to feel! And that, my friend, is happiness.

But the story isn't over yet.

When you think you're done with the lighter, or when your finger starts hurting or burning for touching near the metal just to keep it glowing, that happiness, poof. Gone. No more. Happiness is a moment in time, not an actual thing; in my opinion at least. Alas, the obscured scenery comes once more and we're shrouded in everything but happiness. However, here's the interesting part. We start to remember. And here is when the want for the fire influences us once more.

Those brave enough pick up that lighter and try winding it again and again until the flame lights up the nightmare times of life. Then, when that flame finally does shower the darkness with a luminous glow, what could be better?

But that's my perspective; some people have fear in their veins and it's just harder for them to try to wind the lighter beause they're afraid to get burn, they're afraid that the light might be too bright, or some other worry.

I've lit a lighter before. I've stared at that flame before. I still do. You don't have to take it from me, but trying to light that little sucker sure is difficult. And other times, it's as easy as breathing. Patience is a virtue, fear is a vice. Try lighting a fire once in a while and tell your experience because it sure as heck feels epic to tell the ending of a troublesome story. Even if you end up burning your finger, or the whole world crumbles to ash and ember, or everyone dies, at least you got to experience the fire.

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