The Gift: Chapter 1

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I sat up. I was sitting on my pile of blankets in the old rickety shack.

I was hot and sweaty but still shivering. I grasped my head and rocked back and forth, willing the memories out of my head. It was about three years ago but I still had nightmares.

It was early in the morning. Too early for any normal person to be up. Good thing I'm not normal.

I stood up and brushed myself off. Nearly half of one of the walls had fallen off the shack, so I usually used that as a door. I headed toward it but froze as I heard footsteps. I quickly hid and listened to the footsteps getting closer.


I relaxed. I recognized the voice. Then there was a splash and a string of words that I'd rather not repeat.

A man walked in. He was really tall with short blond hair. His police uniform was perfectly clean, as usual, except for one shoe, which was extremely wet and muddy. Obviously, Officer Derry didn't see the big puddle outside.

"Good morning, Officer Derry," I said, casually. "awful early, isn't it?"

"Awful early because I got a million complaints," Officer Derry retorted, "see if any of these sound familiar. Odd writing on ground, fog over one particular house. . ."

As he reads them off, I nodded, claiming my doing in each. I practiced levitating a stick above one hand.

"Weird footprints in the ground, screaming in the forest, flying objects. . ."

"What?" I asked as the stick falls to the ground. "What was that?"

He looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "Flying objects?"

"No! The one before that!"

"Oh!" He looked down at his sheet. "Screaming in the forest?"

"Yeah! I can't create noise with my power!" I started pacing.

Officer Derry's eyes followed me. "They probably just heard owls. I believe that barn owls scream. Look," He sighed. "I know what your going to say but, please, just quit with the haunting, already! I'm sure they're sorry enough. Whoever killed your parents," he eyed me suspiciously, "that is, if that really happened, is probably scared out of their wits. Please, just give up!"

I shook my head. "I'm different from that little boy you found but I won't let that go."

"Please Cyrus."

I flinched. I wasn't giving in.

I turned around. "Thank you for talking with me. Good bye, officer."

"Cyrus, I-"

"Good bye!"

He sighed. Then he walked away.

I looked around and made sure he was gone.

Hmmm. Screaming in the woods?

Investigatin' time!

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I had been walking all day and hadn't seen anything unusual.

It was just starting to get dark when I noticed something.  I ran my fingers along the bark of a nearby tree. There were three gashes. Almost like claw marks. 

Then there was a snap and a low growl.

Slowly I turned around, frozen with fear. What I saw was like nothing I had ever seen.

It almost looked like some sort of black velociraptor. it had long black claws and razor sharp teeth. It's gleaming eyes were trained on me.

With amazing speed, the creature lunged at me. It grabbed my neck and pushed me up against a nearby tree.

I couldn't breathe.

I gasped and yanked at the claws around my neck.

The creature put it's lizard-face so closed to my face, I could see the large teeth and smell it's putrid breath.

"What will you do now?" It rasped.

                                            <^>                 <^>               <^>               <^>

Heyya peopls! How ya'll doin? Oh! I'm Southern now!!!! XD jk.

Hope ya like it!


Jeremy, over and out!

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