Chapter four: Training and Preparations

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As dawn approaches - the twins are sat with Rosalie and Alice watching Jasper throw Emmett around

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As dawn approaches - the twins are sat with Rosalie and Alice watching Jasper throw Emmett around. As Emmett falls on his back - he's soon back up ready for another round when Edward pulls up with Bella who spent the night with Charlie. Carlisle and Esme stand in front of family when they hear the wolves come over through the woods.

"They don't trust us enough to be in - sorry they don't trust me enough to be human form" Edward translates Sam's thoughts. Hearing this made the family laugh a little - "they came, that's what matters" Carlisle said. Paul's wolf locks eyes with Alex who smiles and nods his head to acknowledge his friend. Jacob gets a little to close to Bella making Sam snap his jaw in warning.

Carlisle looks at Edward - "will you translate?" he asked him - Edward nods his head still not liking this partnership. Carlisle stands in middle "welcome - thank you for coming" he said to them - reading Sam's thoughts "he said you're welcome but if you don't mind we'll watch and not fight as we might kill me" Edward said to Carlisle.

"That's fine. Jasper has experience with newborns - we'll learn a lot from him. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle said trying not to laugh at Sam's comment. "They asked how the newborns differ from us" Edward asked for the wolves. Carlisle nods "they're a great deal stronger than us - they're human blood still lingers." he explains - he looks at Jasper nodding his head, Jasper kissed Alex's head making his way to the front next to Carlisle.

"Carlisle is right. Newborns are created for armies" Jasper starts to explain, Edward ways in with "Quil would like to know how many vampire will be in this army. the word makes him nervous" he explained.

Jasper chuckled a little - "the word 'army' is an expression for large number of newborns however the good news is they are not in their thousands. The bad news is they will stop at nothing. No human army can stop them - they are untrained so we have a slight edge." Trying to calm Quil down.

Jasper moves to the other side of the field for the demonstration - as he grows more commanding, a leader is taking control. Bella watches in surprise as she didn't expect Jasper to have such control. Ace is watching for Alice - you know just in case.

Alex however is watching Jasper with devious thoughts in his head making Edward very uncomfortable. Japer feeling what Alex is feeling looks at him - winks and just goes back to training them.

As the training session has ended - Bella finds Jasper to ask him how he knows all of this and if there is anything she can do to help. "I'm not just worried for you guys and the pack but for my brothers. If you haven't noticed Alex is impulsive." she says to Jasper who smirks at her comment about Alex.

Jasper laughed a little agreeing "yeah I've noticed. That's one of the reasons why I love him" he said. Bella smiled at that but then remembers her question "if you don't mind me asking - how do you know what all of this?" Jasper knew this question would come up.

He looks at Bella - "I didn't have the same up bringing as my other siblings" he started to explain his story and Maria. "Then I met Alice. She told me that someone out there will love me for me - then Alex came along." Jasper finished explaining.

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