The Send Off

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"Thank you for accepting this mission, Admiral Agler."

Hans turned away from the refreshments table, a flaky pastry of some kind sticking out of his mouth. He hastily put it back on the paper plate in his hand when he realized who had spoken.

Setting the plate down, he snapped a salute, "President Beaufort, my apologies, ma'am. It seems that appropriate decorum escaped me–"

"In an effort to enjoy your last night on Earth...ever," President Vivian Beaufort smiled soothingly at him through blue eyes that were remarkably intense for her sixty-six years.

"Um, yes, ma'am," Hans relaxed his posture.

"Please, don't let me keep you, but remember what I said, Admiral on Earth, Captain of the Astral Ark, and Governor of Proxima-B," lowering her voice to a whisper, "watch your six."

"I will, ma'am, thank you."

The president turned and walked away through the crowd of crew and wealthy B-deck passengers. A secret service agent was always by her side, and others were scattered all around the room.

Hans had just picked up his plate when a new voice spoke behind him, "Captain Agler, your reputation precedes you."

Sighing softly, Hans set the plate down and turned around, coming face to face with Mr. James Martin and his wife Miriam. Hans shook hands with both of them, firmly with James and more gently with Miriam.

"Are you excited for your trip to a new world?" Hans asked politely.

"Yes, we're very excited," James' eyes lit up with enthusiasm, his words flowing with fervor even though his lips barely parted.

Miriam's smile faltered for a moment but fixed it at a look from James, "Oh yes, Captain, we're very excited, and I'm sure we'll be in excellent hands with you on the bridge."

"You'll be right below me on B-Deck, Mrs. Martin. You have nothing to worry about," Hans' tone was reassuring.

"Quite, right," James said, "Miriam, would you give us a moment? I'd like to discuss some important matters with the governor of the new colony."

Miriam smiled warmly at Hans then went off to join Katherine Stalbot, Bella Galloway, and a few other B-Deck ladies who were gossiping in a corner.

Hans waited until she was out of earshot then turned back to the oil baron, "How can I help you James?"

"I want to know what your plans are for when we land on Proxima-B," James said, "I am not a man who likes surprises."

"Oh," Hans hesitated, trying to decide how to handle that question. 

James didn't have any real right to know Hans' plans except as they pertained to certain economic matters, but Hans didn't really know the answer anyway. He wouldn't, until he saw the planet for himself and where they landed and what the resource situation looked like.

"May I suggest you look over the Astral Ark Charter one more time, Mr. Martin?" He offered instead, "As you know, the charter outlines exactly what we are to prioritize and do once we reach the planet for at least the first three years."

James grimaced. 

Hans had expected that reaction. He was pretty sure he knew what the oil baron wanted, fake money, like the US dollar. A currency supported by little more than a fragile and complicated system of economics that only men like James Martin and Adam Galloway could fully understand because it took years of practice to learn. In short, it allowed wealthy people to grow richer and workers to work harder...for the Martins and Galloways of the world. Of course, it also offered greater mobility for the lower class if they could, by some means, learn the system. The idea had some merit in Hans' mind, but not a new planet with a weak colonial government to back it up.

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