1 singing/sleepover #1

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(fran and vilu is on vilus room)

f: it would be fun if we go on a vacction with our family :)

v: yeah it would but maybe they ask us :)

f: yeah you have right .

v: do you wanna sing?

f: yeah! but witch song?

v: hoy somos mas (in the media)

f: yeah good song.

(german came in the room )

g: who is singing that Beautiful ??

v&f: mee

g: can you guys sing it again?? for me

v&f: sure (the same song as Before)

(after the song german leave violettas room)

v: we should have a sleepover tonight?! (she sayd exited)

f: yeah but can we have it in my house beacuse my parents is on a Little vacction and its only leon and Diego there :)?!

v: yeah i go and ask my dad you can come with me if you want:)

f: i come with you:)

( the Girls whent down stairs to seach for german )

v: DAD where are YOU?????

G: im here vilu

v: where here?

g: in the kitchen

v : ok comming.

( in the kitcen)

g: vilu what do you want?

v: can i go on a sleepover with franseca at her houes?

g: is your parents home franseca?

f: n no the arent home but leon is watching us al the time , my mum said to leon tht he must have an Eye on me , and if i take a friend home he need to have an Eye on us both :)

g: okay thats okay you can sleep there vilu

v: thnx daddy come fran we go up to my room an pack all my things now :)

f: oki

( in vilus room they packing vilus things)

v: should i take this with me ? ( its a summer dress)

f: yeah its cute :)

( outside frans house)

f: should we go in ??

v: yeah :)

( at the same time with the boys )

l: fran should come soon

d: leon take it easy she will come soon :)

(the Girls came in wile the boys siting in the sofa and playing games)

f: hello ?!

l:hello we are here in the living room

f: okayy

f : do you came vilu?

v: y yeah (she say a Little nearvous)

f:you are nervous why is it beacuse f leon and Diego ?

v: are they here ? :/

f: yeah vilu i told you that.

v: okay we go

( fran and vilu passes the living room but when they do that the boys look up on them and stares for a while)

f: vilu ???hello the Earth to vilu and vilu to the Earth ..

v: uhm we go too your room

( in frans room)

f: are you okay ???

v: ...........

<3- this is the first chappie i wrote 413 Words proud hope you like it i wrote Another story too its called "i gonna love you to the moon and back forever". hope you read it -------<3

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