3 end of the sleepover/suprise

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(the next morning with the Girls)

f: goodmorning !!

v: goodmorning:))

f: did you like the Movie we Watch last night?

v: yeah i liked it but it was really exiting, but did you like the Movie ??

f: yeah but it was exitinig , do you want to now something?

v: yeah ofc !!

f: realice that you are watching taken again but with a boyfriend it would be funny and cosy:)

(by the boys)

( leon throw a pillow on Diegos head to Wake him up)

l: Wake up sleepyhead!!

d: goodmorning

l: do you want to go down for breakfast??

( at the Girls)

f: do you want to go down to take some breakfast??

v: yeah beacuse im hungry ( hahahahahah)

( down staris the boys are already there with their breakfast)

v&f: hello , goodmorning! :))

l&d: hi , goodmorning:)

( now the Girls are sitting oposite the bosys with their breakfast)

( they eat and it was an awkward silence , and after the breakfast)

v: i should go now beacuse they are waiting for me at home , byee!!

f&l&d: byeee!!

d: i shold also go !bye

f&l: bye

( at vilus house)

g: viluu great you are here come to the sofa i have a big suprise too you !

v: okay im comming daddy !!

(at frans home)

(their parents has come back and they are gonna tell a suprise for leon and fran 2)

(A/N german and Nina and Luca has planed a suprise vacction for violetta and franseca and leon )

n&lu: came here leon and franseca for a sec  pleas!

l&f: we are here!

( back at vilus house)

v: dad what is it you make me nevous ?!

g: we are gonna go on a vacction for 10 weeks :)

v: what??!

g: yeah its true :DD

( back at frans house )

n&lu: we are gonna go on a vaction for 10 weeks :))

l&f: what??!

n&lu: yeah its true but ..

l&f: oh no its a but ...

(at vilus house)

g: but..

v: oh no its a but...

g: we are gonna go on a vaction for 10 weeks with the familly of franseca:)

v: are you serious??

g: yeah !


( at frans)

n&lu: we are gonna go on a vacction for 10 weeks with the familly of violetta :))

f&l: are you serious ?? (fran was exited and leon was like yey)

n&lu: yeah we are serious now and fran cant you go too your room and cal vilu and tell her ? leon we want to tell you something, you can take Diego with you on the vacction :)

( at vilus house)

v: dad fran is Calling and i gonna answear if thats ok ?

g: yeah thats ok :)

(vilu is going up to her room and talk to fran)

v: heyy whats up?

f: we are gonna go on a vacction togheter yey!! :DD

v: yeah i know.........

-------thats the chappie for today hope you like it ---------

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